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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My first poem about me next entry: Action packed

My new friend, who wants to be more 11/3/2001
Nick was at my house and as usual, he hogged AIM, but it's ok with me. He found some girl and she saw my picture and said I was very hott. When I got on she IMed me and wanted to go out with me. I told her that I like someone else and if I didn't go out with that person, that I wouldn't go out with anyone. She is 14 anyway and said that she knows she would be happy with me and she would do anything to make me happy. That I am the one for her.

Remember I just met her today, I don't want to make her sad, but I can't just start liking her when I love someone else. It took me a long time to love like this, and it won't change for some nice, sweet, pretty girl who wants me. I will still talk to her and she wants to get to know me and I'm perfeclty fine with that.

She is sad that I won't go out with her, I don't like her that way at all, and I hate it when people get sad over me. She's cool though, and she is doing her best to make me like her.

One of my good friends IMed me that a guy she really loves might get shot tonight. He is supposed to meet some guys somewhere and they have guns. She asked me for help and I don't really know what to say, I really wish I could tell her what to do.

previous entry : My first poem about me next entry: Action packed
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well...i have more experience on the other end...lol and the best thing you can do in this situation is just be honest... if she doesn't respect your wishes or whatever, then at least she'll respect you for being honest with her. well, take care and good luck! =) [*~*PlayGurl03*~*]

She sounds lonely.. Though I can't say I'd jump at the chance to go out with someone who asked me on the spot, but I can't say I'm not guilty of ever falling for someone right after I meet them. If she's anything like me she'll realize that her feelings are only loneliness and she'll just enjoy being friends. [BlueYonderDream]

Awwwwww, poor you. Why do all those young girls keep liking you so much I wonder? Oh well, I know how you feel though, Josh and Scott are about to drive me crazy :(

Anywho... I dunno how you keep writing 400 long notes, this is hard. lol

Well, ttyl




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