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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The hot tub next entry: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a story from my head 11/17/2001
I honestly don't know what made me think of this since I have never been picked on in my life by anyone. I just sat down and got my mind blank and started writing whatever came. I tried to pause as little as I could and just type. A short story just formed.

A boy went home from school after the bully picked on him for the last time. This would definitely be the last time because he was planning on doing something to him the next day. He had it all worked out. He got off the bus, smiling and went into his dark home while his mom made something in the kitchen. To his room he went and layed on his bed. There were posters of superheroes and rock stars on the wall, but other than that his room was relatively empty, except for a white table with nothing on it that was in need of a repainting.

The next day he went to school and found the bully and smiled at him as he walked by. The bully turned and looked at him and asked why he was so happy. The boy just smiled more and said, "You'll see. You will be sorry later." Of course the bully just laughed at him and made fun of him to his friends who he was standing in the hall with, in front of the wall of orange lockers. "Good! Thank you, this will be easier than I thought now!" the boy said back and laughed as he walked to his class. The bully came after him and grabbed him by the shirt and asked what did he mean by that. The boy just said "You know what? I love you. You are a really great friend. Everyone will know how much you mean to me after this period." The bully asked what he meant by that. "I mean nothing more than what I said, and your friends are laughing at you behind you." The bully quickly turned around to see that the people he was with were not in fact laughing at him, so he turned back to the boy and said that they weren't. "Of course they aren't! What did you think I said?" The bully said the boy did too say they were laughing at him. "I know I did. I didn't say I didn't. You just thought they were laughing at you because you are afraid of anyone laughing at you. What you don't know is that lots of people laugh at you. They see you picking on me and they concentrate on how your shirt comes up a little showing your fat belly." The bully insisted it didn't. "Oh yeah, it sure does. You should see the girls' faces behind you. It's a crack up, especially Sue." The bully said to shut up, and he asked what about Sue. And then he said that no one calls her "Sue" besides him. "Well, if you want me to shut up, why do you want me to tell you about Sue? And I thought her name was Sue since Evan calls her that. She tells everyone to call her that." The bully didn't believe it. That was his name for her. It was special with his girlfriend. "Girlfriend? Ah ha ha! That's a good one! You mean you acually think she likes you? She's with Billy over there! She just uses you to get to him since you are his friend! Man, you are more messed up than I thought!" Now the bully was getting upset and he turned around to see his friends had left already. "Hello! They are gone now! You should have seen their faces though! And yesterday it was great! You should have seen it. In class your hair had some bird poop in it the whole day! Everyone in class was snickering and pointing. Joe even took a picture of it! He's having me make copies of it and send it to everyone in the school." The bully felt in his hair and the boy said, "It's gone now. It must have wiped off on your pillow. But anyway, class is starting and everyone is gonna laugh when you come in late." The bully disagreed, he half believed and half didn't.

As they walked to the class, the bully tried to act tough and told the boy to stay away from him or he will pound him. The boy laughed. A girl walked by. The boy started cracking up. The bully turned around and asked what is so funny. The boy said, "Hahahahahaha....it's nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it." The bully asked what she did. "Believe me. You don't wanna know. It's nothing, don't worry about it." The bully insisted or force would be involved. "Okay, you asked for it. She, haha, she um...ha ha ha.....she plugged her nose when she walked by!" The bully said she didn't. "Okay, believe what you want."

They opened the door to the class and went inside. The boy walked close to the bully, like he really liked him. Some of the kids snickered. The bully would normally ignore this but not after what the boy told him about everyone seeing bird droppings in his hair. He asked loudly what was so funny. "I told you. It is the bird poop in your hair, and you got it all over your pillow last night," the boy reminded. This made most of the kids start laughing and the bully turned red and said he didn't. The kids now laughed at his color and the boy asked why he was blushing. The bully said he wasn't and left the class.

After class the news spread and the boy got a picture of the bully and used a program to put bird droppings on his hair and he went around showing everyone. Then he saw the bully coming and he left the picture on the ground where he knew the bully would see it. As the bully came nearer, he looked on the ground and saw a paper that had muddy footprints on it and he picked it up to see it was him with a mess in his hair. Now he really believed the boy, everything he had said, and his face was red the rest of the day worrying about what everyone thought about him. Of course most people didn't think anything bad about him, but they snickered at his red face when they saw him, but the bully thought it was because everyone did make fun of him and laugh at him behind his back. The next day the bully transfered to a different school.

previous entry : The hot tub next entry: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ok...a note! Um, thats a sad story... but I told you that already. I think it was sad that the kid made the bully feel so bad. Alot of time people are bullies because they are scared and they want to look tough. And so I just kinda ignore it when people are mean to me... sometimes I want really bad to get them back but I don't have the guts to even try cause they could just be hurting inside...

and I wouldn't want to be mean and hurt them more. I would rather them hurt me than me hurt them. But anways, you write really good. I love reading your stories.

luv, kelli

I'm really split down the middle with that one.
The kid had a mean streak in him
which was kind of spiteful
But did the bully deserve it?
I'm quite confused...
Great story anyway. [.false.illusions.]



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