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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Just a story from my head next entry: Help!

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/17/2001
OH MAN, THIS IS BAD! Okay, I have a best friend in real life named Nick. He's not one to talk about his problems, okay? "Don't worry about it, let's change the subject" and "'Hehe' is only for girls to say" are the kind of things he says often. Anyway, Nick is 3 years younger than I and I have always been stronger. And faster. And even though he thinks it's silly that I had an online girlfriend, I think he really wanted one too. He has never had a girlfriend before, and I have a better computer than him, and I know a lot more about computers than him, and basically he looks up to me and wants to be as good as me at something. He says how he's gonna work out every day and be stronger than I because I just do nothing. And he wants straight hair like me so he can spike it. He was kidding around when he said how he will always be in my shadow, but I think he really feels that way. Also his parents are getting divorced and mine are fine.

Anyway, he met someone online who liked him a lot and he was telling me about her. Saying he would tell her anything when he wouldn't talk about his problems with anyone else. I got her screenname and started talking to her, but I always said nothing but good things about him and never mentioned that I was better than him at anything. I said how I'm happy for them and that he really likes her, and she liked it too. Sounds good right? Well, that part is, but not the part that follows.

I was talking to her today and I asked if she had a picture of herself, just curious. She said no and asked if I did. I gave her a picture of Nick and I, but it only showed the side of my face and the back of Nick's head. So I showed her one of me and she told me not to tell Nick, but she thinks I'm cuter. (Oh boy) Then later today she told me not to tell Nick, but she really really likes me in "that way". And she only likes Nick as a friend now. She asked if I would go out with her and I said I'm sorry, I can't take this away from Nick and if I don't go with Kelli then it's no one for a long time. She told him she likes me. Nick had to go, though, after she said that because his mom made him let his little brother, Eathan on. (yay, he talked to me too) I figure I'll talk to Nick after church tomorrow like we always do, but we usually talk about games.

previous entry : Just a story from my head next entry: Help!
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Okay, disregard all that! I talked to Nick and he said he was getting tired of only being able to talk to her once in a while and he didn't want to do anything to make her sad so he's perfectly fine with the break up. I guess he didn't really get serious with it. Oh well, they are still friends. *BIG HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!* [Rebel Leader]

Hey, I'm glad things turned out ok with Nick. Things must be pretty rough for him right now since his parents are splitting up. :( poor Nick.

Well... yeah

I told you I'm no good at writing notes, lol

luv ya, Kelli



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