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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : More to birthday than meets the eye next entry: The 31st of December during 2001.

More to birthday than meets the eye2 12/28/2001
We were on our way when my mom saw we were in need of gas, so we got some and the cell phone rang. It was Ashley's mom saying that she ran away and it's the church's fault and if we harbor her then we are harboring a run-away and she'll get the police involved. Now, there is no law in Oregon about run-aways. It's not against the law to run away here. Besides, she will be 18 in six weeks. We went and got her and asked if she would rather go to our house, or to the movies with us. She said the movies is fine, it will help get her mind off it. She was crying and she said that the thing she feels the worst about is what this is doing to her mother who has the best intentions. She thinks Ashley is in danger, but that's because she doesn't understand. So my mom went with the kids to go shopping and Amy and I went to go get the candy. My mom doesn't like buying candy at the dollar store and sneaking it in the movies because it is dishonest, even though the candy at the movies is so expensive. I went with Amy to go to the dollar store, but kept a look-out for my mom, hehe. We were going down one of the places of the mall when I saw my mom and the kids up ahead and I said "There they are!" and turned around and quickly went out of sight. Amy didn't hear me but saw me leave and she followed and asked what happened. I told her. The dollar store was further than where they were, so I decided we would go outside and enter the mall on the other end where the dollar store was. We went out and almost slipped on the grass, but entered the mall and got into the dollar store and stood in line to pay. There was a low wall covering the lower part of the window and I said I wondered where they were. Amy said "Right there!" and ducked. I looked over the wall and saw Matt and my mom looking toward me and I ducked before they saw me. I made sure and saw they were going into a store.

After the movie, my dad picked us up and since Ashley's mom knows where we live, he asked where she would rather stay. She wants to stay with us right now. I really felt like hugging her, but I know that God can help her a lot more than I can, and I just would feel weird hugging her

previous entry : More to birthday than meets the eye next entry: The 31st of December during 2001.
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sorry about Ashley and her mom being mean and all, I hope she gets that all worked out without too much trouble.

what's an advesary exactly?

anywho, ttyl Luv, kel

nm, an adversary is one actively hostile to another... I don't like that definition... it also says the enemy. so your mom said I was the enemy basicly...

ok then, sorry about that... but still it sounds to me like shes saying I'm bad. Like... so the advesary (thats not in the dictionary, only adversary) is the devil but she still sounds like saying if nothing else he's using me to pull you away from the church.




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