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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : More to birthday than meets the eye2 next entry: Things and Stuff

The 31st of December during 2001. 12/31/2001
Well now, what should I write about? Just random thoughts. I got this awesome new game called Myst III: Exile. It's the 3rd game after Myst and Riven. I've been playing it a lot the past 2 days. This song that's on "The Dream Within" from the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within movie is playing and it reminds me of the game just mentioned. Well, it's over and now it's "Last Battle" from Final Fantasy 9. The beginning has people moaning in pain, it sounds creepy, but then it gets a beat and sounds cool.

Today was my first day of my first job at the first Arby's to be in Juntion City. We just got an Arby's restaurant and I had the job of operating the fryer. I had to get the curly fries from the freezer and put them in the fryer, along with regular fries, onion petals, chicken breast, and chicken fingers. I had to put them in small, medium, or large boxes when there was an order for some. Then I had to put more in the fryer when we were getting low. I was told I did a good job. One time I saw "med. fries" on the screen and that means a medium size of the straight fries so I made some and put them on the side and when one of the managers who was helping to train came back to get some, she saw I already had them waiting and she said "This guy's good". :)

Kelli, I love you.

Well, Ashley's mom doesn't like our church for some reason, but no one can figure out why. Ours is different from most. The minister doesn't get paid, he's not above the rest of us. We live every day like we would on sunday. Bro. Steve doesn't write out or memorize his sermon before he goes up, he gets his words from God. Any of the brethren can call out a song and whoever wants to sing, does. Anyone can stand and testify of something that God did for them. Anyone can kneel down and pray out loud, as long as nothing else is going on of course. You offer money on your own. We don't have a schedule, church may end late or early depending on what goes on. If Bro. Steve talks for a while it may be longer, or if lots of brethren have things to testify or pray about. Some of the brethren say they have gone from church to church trying to find one that is the right one, and when they came here it just sounded right. They liked it better than all the other ones. They felt something here that they didn't feel anywhere else. The brethren are close and we are like family, even closer than biological family if they aren't in the faith. God comes first, then family. But then again, I'm not in the faith, I'm not baptised, so it is impossible for me to be entirely without sin, and sometimes I may take advantage of that. Like I may visit someone in Texas for a while since they mean so much to me even if it means being away from the brethren for that time.

One more thing, The Lord of the Rings rules!!!!!!!!

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I finally got to see Lord of the Rings! It does rule but the ending was anoying. :) I want to know what happens next. lol. I like the archer elf dude. He was cool. I thought he looked like Leonardo DiCaprio. I hope he doesn't die.

luv, Kel

Hey, I just got your chirstmas card!! Thank you!! =) It just made my day better!!
Well congrats on the the new job! =) Hope it all works out! Thanks again!! =)

~grin~ I personally think visiting someoine in texas is a very good idea. But whom ever would you vist? ~looks innocent~ lol

Wingless Me



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