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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My next entry: Secret enemy

The way today went 1/13/2002
I awoke and was tired. I went to work and it was either slower than usual, or I'm just getting to handle all the business faster and easier and it seems like it was slower. I'm the fryer guy, I fry the curly fries, homestyle fries, potato cakes, onion petals, pepper bites, mozzarella sticks (however you spell it), chicken breasts, chicken fingers, and I have to watch the screen to see what is needed and I have to put them all in boxes when needed. I also have to anticipate if I need to put more of something into the fryer. When someone came and needed something for an order and it was already waiting, they would say "thanks" or "good job" sometimes. Brent, a cool guy whom I've become friends with and he's my age, would come needing something and it would be waiting and he would say "hey, you're the man". I got compliments whenever I did something when it was needed, but I never heard anyone else ever getting praised. I guess their job is easier or something, or maybe the success of everything hinges on me, the "fry guy". Also called the "fry master" from one of the managers who was helping train.

I went to Brent when it was slow and asked him if everything depended on the fry guy more than anything else like the sandwiches. He said it sure does. The fry guy is like the quarter back. So I'm the quarter back, hehe. Cool. Well, later when Brent needed some chicken fingers, I had just gotten them boxed and gave them to him, and he just smiled and said "quarter back". So that was cool.

But at home it was different. I was tired, and I just suddenly got really bored because I knew there would be nothing to do. I already went out yesterday and it would seem a little much to go out today too, especially with the same person. But Mel was out of town, and I don't want to go anywhere with Nick right now. I'm in the mood for meeting someone. Besides, my night out last night wasn't really great, so I was still wanting something cool.

My dad talked about how he was going to do a project on fixing part of the house and I was going to help him, yay. There goes any remote chance of going out and having fun today. I went and laid down on my bed and covered my head with the covers. (the person who made the name "covers" was really smart) I was still disappointed about last night, and I thought about how that girl from a different entry was probably not really fond of me still, regardless of the many attempts I made to be nice. She isn't mean, I think she just has this set image of me and that I'm just a typical guy. Her name is Samantha, and I talked about her in the entry about a dispute with an ex-friend.

I could have really, really used someone to hold during that, more than usual. Also someone who would want me to hold them. But that's not going to happen anytime soon. My family downstairs started to eat lunch, but I wasn't hungry. My head and stomach hurt, and I just missed Kelli.

I came downstairs and my parents teased how I'm finally up. "Long, hard day at work?" they said, knowing Tammy only gave me a 3 hour shift because she has too many people right now. My parents are always easy going, except when we are getting ready to go somewhere, then they get all stressed out. It's funny. So anyway, I told them I was bored. I wanted to do something. My dad said that I was going to help him with the new pantry. I told him that work is boring. He said he has to go to Jerry's (big hardware store) and get some wood and I'm going with him. (not what I meant by going out). I felt a little better when I was in the car. We listened to music ('70s and '80s, one of my fav styles of music) and we first went to Keith Brown's Bargain Shed. Wow, sounds like a really great place. We bought wood there and went to Jerry's which was next door, and then were off to Bro. Jim and Sis. Judy's house to cut the wood. We ended up eating dinner there, chili and hot dogs, and then we had to go home because Nick's family was going to be visiting.

At home Nick's family came over and we just talked about mostly Allison and how I met her, and he read a few of my entries. We talked about Final Fantasy 10 also. Then he had to leave and I talked to Kelli and some friends, even someone from TOD. Well, now I'm writing about what I'm doing now, so I better stop before this gets more messed.

previous entry : My next entry: Secret enemy
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hey jason, thanks for the note you just left in my diary, i can honestly say i needed it, i am just so tired of guys who cant quite look past the physical side of a relationship. Hey your life sounds pretty good, being the quaterback of the fry business and all, so yeah. anyways u sounds like a real smart guy so hey that girl u want to hold and want to hold u back is out there, dont give up hope. [ainslie]

hey again, i have to bug u again, now what was it i wanted to write now, hold on it is coming back to me now, well people over here amazed by the fact that i am still a virgin the averahe age of losing it here is about 13 so it is shocking. but hey snuggling is more lasting and yeah why risk losing everything with sex if u could just be snuggling and still have the closeness. thanks for your help. [ainslie]

Hey Jason! Thanks for the note that you left. Well, I don't know how to tell Brian how I feel, it's too difficult! You like your best friend too? Do they know that? If so, how did you tell them? I really need advice. Thanks =) [angelgirl2002]

hey me again, anyways i like giving advice as well and since u have cheered me up, i would like to return the favor, so if u ever need cheering up, yeah i am here, even made a e-mail account here, it is ainslie@opendiary.com so yeah id u ever need some support or to tell someone your probs i am a good listener. bye [ainslie]

hey wow ur there.

r u still there.. sorry i was online just invisible.. i dunno y ... if ur there note me back [*M*]

oh thats ok.. i didnt think ud reply anyway, so its a nice change some1 actually wants to talk. ... anwyay. ill let u get back to what ur doing [*M*]

oh really cool, umm ok im bad with computers, i have msn messanger and my email is MG_Iceangel@hotmail.com if u want to add... i dunno what AIM is so u know.. what pics r they. yea i wouldnt mind talking... but u can tell me to p*ss off if u like. i wont mind [*M*]

hey your last couple of entrys were cool!

Hey whats up?

ne ways - bits and pieces

~vikki~ [bunny2002]


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