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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The way today went next entry: Theme song to Malcom in the Middle

Secret enemy 1/13/2002
Hello. I am just an ordinary kid, right? Most of my friends think so. I might be a little on the strange side, but isn't everyone? I may not be popular, but I don't have any major problems. That's what most people think, but think again.

I have an enemy, someone who hates me with a passion. He thinks I'm ugly, tells me so all the time. He thinks I'm worthless and lets me know about it constantly. He would beat me up every day if he found a reason to.

This person I speak of has been with me all my life and knows things about me that I wish he didn't. Things in my past, things done to me. And I wish he didn't know them. He always reminds me of them, always telling me about the terrible things in my past. The things that I try hardest to forget. He takes it out on me. He takes out everything on me. He's been stressed enough to hurt me. Cut me even! With a knife. Numerous times in the past. As if I hadn't had enough done to me in my life. For some reason he hates me for it, and blames me for everything. EVERYTHING! Even for the things that have been done to me, out of cruelty of others. I get blamed for it because I'm such an easy person to blame. I'm the scapegoat, and because of that I get punished. Maybe I do deserve it. Maybe I am to blame, for being such a loser. I'm certain the world would be a better place without me, and he has told me that many times over.

There is no escape from him, I am trapped. I really want out. I need out. The only escape from him is death. I have thought about it several times, killing myself. I just might do it someday, if he doesn't first, because he has also threatened to kill me and has even tried to before.

I'm scared.

I'm scared of him when he's mad. I'm scared of being alone with him. He knows that, and takes every chance to be alone with me. I'm scared to stop him. Maybe I deserve the punishments, the beating up. He says I'm a bad person, and I'm starting to believe him. Bad things happen to bad people, right?

This person I tell of, this person who rules my life, is none other than myself. ME! But this is not my story, for I have had the very fortunate luck of having a wonderful life by comparison. No, this is not my story, but I did write it. I thought it out and the only person I give some credit to is .false.illusions. for writing that beautiful entry about the boy who was bullied. He made me think of writing this. This is for the depressed. This is the cutters' story, the forgotten, the lonely, and the abused. The ones who hide this inside themselves. The very people I'm trying to reach and help. *many hugs* to y'all out there, you know who you are. If you know someone like this, make someone's day better and just go give them a hug, or some kind words. Words of encouragement, and go out of your way to do it. No one should suffer like this.

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Hey! My friends $Brintey*Spears is having a contest for whatever yew want it to be! If yew wanna be in her contest go to her diary right now and tell her what yew want to be in it for! K? K!

Luv, Manderz xoxo <3


That was very nicely written [no more hiding]

wow...really sad but good writing. i know exactly how that "person" feels.

i think its so cool of people like u to acknowledge the sad and hurting people.

[no one special]

That is written really well. It makes a person think. If i were you i'd work on getting some things published they deserve it. [*A*n*g*e*l*]

Yea, Somehow u need to get people to hear you out and let em know someone cares.. [*A*n*g*e*l*]

Hun, That was very nice. You have a very good talent for writing, and putting feeling into it. I almost cried at that. ::Smiles:: Thank you so much for the note in my diary. My aim sn is Twlghtdreams. I added you, I hope you don't mind. Hopefully we can be friends. If I ever see you on my list. I'll Im you. ::hugs:: I can tell you are such a great person, SO few out there..^_~ [Gothic Whisper]

thanx i hope he likes me to! [Dancin~Chicka]

hey. thanks for hoping i feel better. that entry wuz deep. but anyway i like listening to people problems too but if you ever need to talk or need advice im me or e/mail me. my im is The98Fan4Life and email if the98fan4life@aol.com so later [irhscutie'04]

come to me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me worship me..... [666MarilyN6MansoN666]

Wow! You are a really good writter! Thanks for the advice, even though I really don't think I could tell him something like that, I don't have the guts too. How long have you liked your best friend? I have liked Brian for a few years now. I just assume that he knows that I like him, and he sends me the vibes that he likes me. But I don't know, guys can be really confussing! [angelgirl2002]

Hey, thank you for your note!

Who could possibley h8 you?.................note me back

~Take care~

Vikki [bunny2002]

wow... and for a minute there, i thought u were like me. although, no1 deserves to be like me.

good entry. talk to u soon cyaz. [*M*]


i know how u feel, i am my own enemy. [butterfly85]

darn you Jason, you scared the heck outta me! Don't do that again, for the love! up until that last little paragraph I was scared to death that maybe somehow eveything I knew about you was somehow wrong and that you were the one in the story. it made no sense but notheless it scared me. Even now, you wrote that with such feeling, I question how could you do so without feeling it... ~hugs~

luv Kel


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