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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good/Boring day next entry: My fun day.........grocery shopping?

What are the odds? 1/19/2002
I met this really awesome girl online the other day, and she has a diary here on TOD. Let's call her Girl. She has a best friend. Let's call him Boy. Girl has been best friends with Boy for like 5 years and she would do anything for him. She also likes him as more than a friend. She loves him. While talking to her, we both discovered that she and Boy are almost exactly like Kelli and me. Here are the things that Boy and I have in common: We are both really sweet. We are very into Christianity. We have the same morals, like no sex before marriage. He will turn 20 in November and I will turn 20 in December. We both like our best friends very much. And our personalities are very alike.

Now here are the things we are different in: He is a model. He's a prep. He would be quicker to hurt someone to protect someone. He can get upset a little easier at his best friend. He's had girlfriends in real life before. He's gotten drunk.

Now here are the things that Girl and Kelli have in common: Both have had a religion as a child but only believed because of parents, and then didn't believe afterwards. Both like Backstreet Boys the best. Both have had boyfriends before. Kelli will turn 18 in April and Girl will turn 18 in August. Both like their best friends very much. Kelli doesn't really enjoy kissing or touching, and Girl has already gone through that.

Here are the things that are different: Girl is somewhat a prep. Girl has gotten in physical fights before, and still does. Girl waits on Boy hand and foot when he's sick. He means the world to her. Girl now likes kissing, and Boy brought her to his church and now she believes it. She waits for his phone call everyday.

It seems like Boy's and Girl's relationship is just like mine and Kelli's, only one step ahead. They spend the night at each other's houses all the time. She gives him massages, she would do anything in the world for him. She never puts any of her boyfriends before him, and would dump them in a heartbeat if Boy asked her to. She was going to dye her hair, but Boy said he likes it the color it is, so she didn't. They snuggle even. They are the perfect couple to be married, but she is afraid to ask if he likes her more than a friend.

The difference is that Kelli and I only know each other online. I am going to go visit her, like during Spring Break, and sometime after that also. Just like Boy bringing Girl to his church and her believing after that, I had already wanted to bring Kelli to my church. Are Boy and Girl how Kelli and I are going to be in the future? Are they our future selves? Girl wants lots of children too, as well as Kelli. I really really hope that Kelli and I are like Boy and Girl in the future. That is what I always hope for, even before I met Girl, but she just proved that such a thing exists. One of the things I fear, however, is that by Kelli knowing I want to be more than friends, I may have ruined any chance of us being like Boy and Girl, because they have never told each other that. In any case, I love Kelli. She has been a little quiet and not seeming to be really happy to see me recently, so I hope everything is okay. She is a great friend, the best someone could ask for. I am just worried that she is troubled about something.

previous entry : Good/Boring day next entry: My fun day.........grocery shopping?
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Net meetings are fun - I've had 3 myself, and 2/3 were good. I hope things work out. But one word of advice if I may...Live for now, not the future. No regrets, mistakes are experiences.

[Liam Gallagher]

I'm sorry. Your Aren't Girls So Wonderful? entry is great though. Loved it. [Princess_LoseR]



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