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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Paradox Story next entry: Hurting people by kindness

The Torch at work 1/22/2002
Today was okay at work. It was busier than usual, but that was no problem for me, hehe. When the busy part was over, it doesn't slow down, it stops! I mean, its like busy, busy, busy, busy, nothing. It suddenly just stops with no orders. Someone in the drive through was the person who would carry the torch for the Olympics and she let the person at the drive through hold it and she showed it to all of us. The actual torch! That was cool. When it was almost time for me to get off work, my arm started hurting, I don't know why. Whenever I would take a basket out of the fryer, my right arm would kill me. Good thing I got off soon after.
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