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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good Friends: Matt next entry: Good Friends: Marianna

Good Friends: Maria 1/23/2002
Note: The "good friends" entries are in order of when I met them.

I was in weight training and this new girl was in there too. I was a junior. Well, I've never seen her before, and she didn't really talk to anyone. After a few days of that class, something happened to where I had to do something with her, like maybe there was no one to do this lift with her. I guess we met then. In weight training, you were required to run 2 laps around the track for a warm-up, or 14 laps in the gym if it was too cold for you. You could always run more. Maria and I always ran 4 laps on the track, even in the rain and cold, and often it was only us out there. We started doing all our stuff in weight training together, and I guess I starting having small feelings for her. I didn't like her that way a lot or anything, I just thought she could be a future girlfriend. You have to understand, I've never had a girlfriend before and I wanted one. One time we were talking about maybe going to a movie or something, and were discussing which day. She said that Sunday wouldn't be good because of church and then this guy was coming over. I asked who he was. She said some guy from her church whom she's known for a long time and her family and everyone talk about them going out and stuff. She liked him too. Well, I was kinda like "oh" and then was a little sad, but not that much. We eventually did see a movie, with her family I might add. She has 5 siblings I think, just like me. Then I went and ate dinner at her house, but she warned me about it first. She said that her family has this saying "if a guy eats dinner at our house and comes back over, he's worth having around." I asked why. She said that most people don't enjoy eating dinner with them, so then don't come back over. I asked what was so bad about dinner and she said that I'll just have to see. We took a city bus, which was my first time on one, but she rides them all the time. We had dinner and it was no big deal. I didn't see any reason that anyone would have a bad time. I later asked her parents what was supposed to be so bad about it. They said because of so many kids and it gets crazy. I told them I have just as many siblings and they said, "oh, well no wonder, you're used to it!" When track started, she was in long distance. I think she started to like me then, but we never saw each other really. I didn't like her that way and I wondered why I ever did. She gave me little hints that she wanted to go out I think, but I already liked this girl named Kim by this time. I'll talk about her later. Maria is a senior now.

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