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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good Friends: April next entry: Good Friends: Karen

Good Friends: Kim 1/23/2002
Note: The "good friends" entries are in order of when I met them.

I knew her before anyone online, because I went to high school with her and this was before I had even touched AIM or TOD. I liked her during my senior year in high school, while she was a sophomore. She's a junior now. She has been a great friend, and she's a cutie. She does have unique eyebrows though, lol. They are naturally like that, her mom has them too. They look like she plucked them to be really thin, except for the part that is nearer the middle of her face. I didn't know her really, but I've always admired her looks. She was always one of the girls who I would have liked to go out with. During my senior year we took this match making survey, and it showed a list of the top 10 people who you are most compatible with, and another list of the top 10 who are most compatible with you. She was at the top of both. I think that started it, that lit the flame. I started talking to her more, and I let her know how I felt. That's how we became friends, and are still good friends to this day. She got dumped the other day and said it would be nice if I could visit the high school some day. I said only if I got a hug, hehe. She said sure. I went and saw her and hugged her and lifted her off the ground. She usually hasn't been as talkative to me, but this time she seemed happy to see me and asked how I was doing. She has gone through many boyfriends in the past, some even best friends. She has good friends who cheer her up whenever she is down, but lately she seems to not have that luxury, and I have helped her. She was in track with me in high school, and I met her mom and she likes me. Her older brother, Chris, (as old as me) was in track too and we became friends, and he thought it was a great idea for me to go out with her, but we should be friends first because it would most likely work out better. He went away for college and she really misses him, but he visits sometimes. She is the kinda person who is sad, like about grades and such, and either can't be cheered up by anyone, or when she is cheered up, she doesn't make a big deal about the person who did it. She is a really hard worker though. I think she is mature and not really the joking around type. She's the kinda person who hears something funny and maybe laughs instead of being the one to say it. I almost feel like she doesn't want to get that close to me, but I've also heard that she is shy, almost to where she could be considered rude. She never let on even once that she liked me that way or anything, so we have always been just friends. I don't like her that way anymore.

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