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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good Friends: Bonnie next entry: Good Friends: Heidi

Good Friends: Becky 1/23/2002
Note: The "good friends" entries are in order of when I met them.

She IMed me saying that my profile on AIM made her cry. She said it was so sweet. We talked some, and we made a deal that if one emails the other, then we email back. She likes me "that way", she said that when she read my profile, she knew I would make a huge difference in her life. She said she prays to God every day and thanks him for her meeting me. She is really lonely and wants a boyfriend bad. I haven't known her for over 2 weeks. One time she IMed me and just said flat out, "Be my boyfriend." I told her about Kelli. I told her about how being boyfriend and girlfriend online won't be any different than being good friends. We can't kiss, we can't snuggle, we can only talk about things, and we can do that just being friends too. She was sad, and I felt bad, and that rhymes, but she accepted that I love Kelli. She always says how someday Kelli will see how good I am and will go out with me. She is often depressed, and I feel like I don't help. But then she says that I always make her feel good just talking to me, so I feel better. I told her I would go out with her, but I wouldn't go into it with the mind that it will be forever. I would still love Kelli more, and it would be just a fun one. She said she can't do that with me, so it's better to just be friends. She is 21 as of Monday of this week. She asked me for flowers because she has never gotten any her whole life, and it would mean a lot to her. She didn't expect to get any however. Well, I bought her some, and sent them. She was off work today, so they will get them to her tomorrow. She writes the sweetest emails, saying how I'm truly an angel, and how I have a big heart, and she is so happy to have me in her life. She wants to move somewhere, and she is thinking of moving to Oregon where she can see me a lot. I told her that would be great, because I would have someone to see movies with, hehe. She wants to move here, and she said once she has a roommate, she will. She understands we will be just friends, even if she moves here, and she's fine with that. She wants me to be with Kelli, even though she would really really like to be with me. I just hate thinking that I'm breaking her heart. I hope she finds a really nice guy of her own. Then she wouldn't be sad over me.

previous entry : Good Friends: Bonnie next entry: Good Friends: Heidi
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Well that entry was about me Becky. I'm 21 and I live in New York. Everything is true that Jason had said. He is truly an ~*AMAZING*~ guy. Even thou we don't talk that much as we onced had done before. He is thought of and in my heart always. I know that him, and Kelli will get together one day. His happiness is my happines...and I do love him for that..Friends forever....



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