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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good Friends: Becky next entry: Good Friends: Angel

Good Friends: Heidi 1/23/2002
Note: The "good friends" entries are in order of when I met them.

I noted her TOD diary and then we decided to talk on AIM. She is really nice, and gets cheered up a lot just like Chrysantha. She is really glad to have met me, but we haven't talked very much. I met her like a day after I met Becky, which wasn't too long ago. Still, she is really fun to talk to and I love the thought that I make her happy. That I can make her day better. I am greedy for that kind of power, the power of cheering up, hehe. She will most likely read this, since she likes my diary, so when she does, "Hi!" Sorry for not saying much, I don't know her very well, but she's still really nice.

previous entry : Good Friends: Becky next entry: Good Friends: Angel
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Well, theres one way to solve problems like not knowing people very well. Come online more often Silly Billy! ::Huggles!!!:: I miss ya! [XxCriesInSilencexX]



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