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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Good Friends: Angel next entry: P- *clenches fist*

Poem - Depressed to Loved 1/23/2002

I hate this world, everything in it. Love, it's just a cruel trap devised by the people who hate me. It only ends in pain, loneliness, and sorrow.

Why do I exist? Am I just a target? A target for amusement? That is my only purpose in this horrible thing called life. I can't sleep at night, I can't stand the day. My mind hates me, it torments me with it's continual thoughts. I can't stand it! I need a moment's peace!

I have learned to ignore it, along with everything else. If I could only sleep, I wouldn't feel this pain. If I could only rest for eternity. I could do it, it would be the best thing for me, to put me out of my misery, but I choose to suffer, I'm too used to it.

Everyone is better than me, and they know it, they tell me all the time. With their words, their actions, their glares. My only friend, my only true friend is my knife. True friends know what's best for you, even if it hurts.

I cry every day. If not on the outside, then within. No one cares about me, they once did. No, they pretended. They planned it to cause me more pain. Just to have my trust and then lose it just the same. What is trust? Is it false like love? Just happiness on the outer shell, but rotten to the core, like me?

It's ironic really, how I'm just like the things I hate most. Love and trust, illusions of happiness, just like me. I want to sleep, all alone, in the dark, in the corner. I need to sleep, forever. My friend could do it for me, but I won't let him. I'm too scared. I'm scared all the time. So I will just let the blood run from my arm. My friend really helps me, my friend the knife.

I was nice, I really was. I never did anything mean to anyone, they just hate me. Hate my looks, my problems. The problems they gave to me. Everyone can't be wrong but me, right? I am the loser. I am stupid. I don't deserve to live, yet I am too greedy to give my life up. I am too selfish to let go what's not mine. What I don't deserve to have, my life.

I can actually help someone. I'm good for something, other than to be used. Why did I ever want to die? I deserve to, but I won't. That would hurt her. But why? Why would a loser dying hurt someone? She is better off without me.

I feel good right now. It's a new feeling. I'm not sure if I want it, but I like it. This will never last. It will just end in more pain like always. Why am I falling into another cruel trap?

Life is wonderful. I'm so happy. Could this be real? Is it another illusion? But it feels so real. Not like the illusions before. She cares about me. I care about her. I would do anything for her. But she deserves better. She will just end up hurt. She obviously doesn't see the real me, or she would hate me as well. Why am I happy then? I shouldn't be.

I lost my best friend. He has always been there for me, but now I don't need him. I don't need my blade anymore, I have a new best friend. I can sleep now, but I don't want to for very long. I like being happy. I feel comfortable. I have found a real friend, and real love.

previous entry : Good Friends: Angel next entry: P- *clenches fist*
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usually when i find people on random and their entries are really long, i skip it, but urs seemed interesting and it was. i liked it. sad stuff but happy at the end. i like it : ) [DecaGirl82]

hey, wow u really feel true feeling and are okay with sharing them! i really liked this entry of u'rs! note me back sum time okay!


sarah [*Sarah M.Gellar*]

wow... very deep.

umm reply to your note. The code you're using is correct but geocities don't allow you to link from them. So if you want to put a pic up you might want to sign up with http://www.virtue.nu/ and upload your pics from there. That'll work :) [Jeri Ryan]

thank you so much for your note it leaves alot to me and it will to my friend. thanks for your very kind words.

And this entry was very deep and well written

love alwayz

alex [*S*T*A*R*G*A*Z*E*R*]

good job on your tod. I like atlking to you...-ME [jhsgirl03]

Hey, I saw your Jeri Ryan drawing... it's pretty good! [teenage_lesbian]

Hey there Sweetie. It's me, Gothic Whisper, but under a different name apparently, Hehee. I warn you , if you chose to go to this diary of mine, it is a bit on the weird side. Heh. But don't think any less of me because of it, ok? Where have you been? I havent talked to you in forever it seems. Okay, You take care, and email me, if you dont mind, at Falling_angel44@hotmail.com [XxCriesInSilencexX]


AMANDA [~*~Amanda_Leshay~*~]

Hey i see you got them working :) Congrats. Just seeing if you have any updates.. Take Care! xx [Jeri Ryan]

very nice entry.. I say you sound alot like me.. And as much as im gonna sound like a b*tch love doesnt last... ur first thought was true...it will only hurt u more in the end.. im sorry if i sound like a b*tch... [*M*]

i know how you feel kinda...i don't completly know cuz no one ever completly knows how anyone feels. i cut sometimes..although i haven't done it in almost 2 weeks. i found happiness..and just like you i'm wondering if it's another illusion..i keep on waiting for it to be taken away from me. my happiness is my bf..but now him and i can't talk,only on TOD can we talk..but i stil have a lil happines [Dark Silent Angel]

but anyways...good luck and i hope things get better..check out my diary sometime...i gotta go now..bye [Dark Silent Angel]

luv da poem...thx 4 noting me...u seem 2 b kinda like me...well luvs and thx again [JenGurl12]


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