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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Whatever comes to my head next entry: FromKel

Poem - My Best Friend 1/28/2002
Sitting here alone,
and maybe even sad,
wondering if,
I've done anything bad.

What could have happened?
What indeed,
to cause the ill tidings,
that you will soon read.

Was I too outgoing?
Did I not say things right?
Am I just not that important?
But I tried to be polite.

I thought I was on top,
top of her list that is,
suddenly that changed,
it lasted like fizz.

I am her best friend,
I really care for her too,
she says she cares for me,
but it's not coming through.

My worries, my fears,
my emotions to her I tell,
that used to be her concern,
but lately I just get "Oh well."

I hold her dear in my heart,
and I tell her it a lot,
she is scared of that,
and returns the feelings not.

I wish to be her sweetie,
and to her, my love I send,
this has happened to her,
and now he's her ex-boyfriend.

So it is understandable,
why she fears my affection,
she doesn't want to lose me,
over a relationship imperfection.

But what about friendship?
A best friend is nothing to fear,
why reject that closeness then?
I thought best friends were dear.

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very nice =) [ShaNoByL]

I can so connect with you on that level...it's almost as if you were reading from my mind lol...anyways...writing poetry at a whim is fun isn't it? All of my poetry is that way... You should check out my first entry...I did that as I wrote it heh...cya

~me~ [Candle*of*Darkness]

It's an incredible feeling to be in love with your best friend, but there are times when it hurts a lot. I'm in love with my best friend, but him and I can never be...it's something that I'm learning to accept. Good luck with it - much love - [ForeverInnocent]

ok im gonna say this now b4 i forget (so ill read ur entry in a minute) thanku for the note, I get what you mean, it is hard to know but yea u have an understandin of it.. that is really what ppl who have depression think, "y lov when it will only hurt me in the end" although i think that but i dont think i have depression. i dunno now im confusing myself.. lol joking nah.. ok ill go read ur entry [*M*]

...well...that was really good. you know friends should except u the way you are, i dunno if this is true.. mayb give it time. i really dont know waht to tell you coz everytime i think of friends i want to cry... am i a coward? yes i proberbly am. do i care? not anymore... im sorry, y am i telling you this. keep the entry's coming i like them and if u find the time to reply to this. :) well yea. [*M*]

Darn you Jason. Why did you give Scott your name? You know if he can get to your diary he can link to mine from it???? I tried changing my name again, but the link still works... so I took my diary off, that is, I made it private. ~sigh~ Not that he would probably want to read it anyway but better safe than sorry.


Hey hey there Jason ~*Smiles*~ Very nice poem sweetie. I liked it. You can tell that you put alot of heart into that. =) If you would like, go to my GothicWhisper diary, and read the thing i wrote. It's my newest entry. I would like your opinion of it my friend. [XxCriesInSilencexX]

Oh gosh, Jason, I'm sorry :( I already kind of knew how you felt but poetry seems to spell it out even more. I wish I knew what to tell you to make it better. On a happier note I think you are really good with your words. Never let anyone take that away from you. :) [BlueYonderDream]

thats a great poem...if made me think about how i may take my friendships for granted..if thats true i hope you and your best friend work it out someday [aLL*iVe*GoT*tO*GiVe]

~sigh~ Now I'm really kinda upset. I can't believe you gave Meghan your diary name too. I'm either gonna have to close my diary down permanently ir erase all my notes with links on them.

I think I'll do the second, but not totally erase them since then you wouldnt have them... well you'll see what I do soon enough, and if you get mad at me, well you choose to give me the password... Kelli

ok well all the links to my diary are gone now, but in the process of deleting them I relaized that even if they can't get to my diary, Meghan or Scott or any other of my friends you give your name to, can find out pretty much everything they aren't supposed to know from reading your diaruy. Do me two favors please. 1)do something about those of my secrets that are already on your diary...

...and 2)do NOT write anymore of my secrets in there! I didn't mind when you did it, and maybe I have done the same to you... though if you look you will notice I never wrote anything about your deepest darkest secret that you told me in my diary. Why? Because its a secret, and secrets arent ment to be told. Also, I would never give my diary name to anyone who knows you personally, cause then...

...they could get to yours and for all I know you may not want them there. So please take MY secrets out of your public diary and don't put anymore of them in it. Anything I tell you that you know is a secret is no one elses business unless I choose to tell them, ok?

And sorry if this sounded un-nessasairly rude but I think I ahve a right to be somewhat mad since this is my life we're talking...

...about here, and if either of them had linked to my diary, or just got the info from your diary, MY life would be screwed permanently. I know you didn't mean to do that and it just didn't occur to you, but how can I keep telling you anything when I know that everything I tell you ends up on your diary? Just think how you would feel if I wrote down the story you told me and then gave my diary...

...name to Nick or Jimmy or one of your sisters? I'm actually pretty worried right now and will be until that stuff is gone off your diary.

But don't worry I'm not mad at you hun, not really, just worried alot about what could happen if we don't fix this...

Luv, Kelli

damn that was good *lol* [|| Achaisha ||]


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