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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : No more about Kelli, nor anyone else next entry: Darn Economy

Our own little disaster 2/8/2002
I had just gotten this music player that runs in DOS mode and it plays NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) songs exactly how they sound from the actual cartridge of the game. I got the songs for one of my favorite NES RPGs, Faxanadu. I also got the songs from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT2, and TMNT3. The Faxanadu songs rule though. I was having Andrea listen to them, when the screen suddenly went black. We thought it might be going back to windows, but I heard the fan on the computer die down, which meant it turned off. Then we realized the power went out, and she had up a survey email that she was filling out.

I went out of the den and saw that the wind was blowing hard outside. It's happened before and my mom always worries that the evergreen trees might fall. If they were to fall, they would hit our house. Ashley was here since she is staying with us right now, and she was fascinated by the high-speed winds. Stuff from trees was blowing in the wind. I went upstairs and found it was a little dark from the lights being out. On my bed I could see out the dormer window but I could only see the sky. I saw a few small branches blowing by. Then I say what looked like a large, dark object fall, but it looked like a trash bag or something. It made a loud thump and I heard "Oh my!" from downstairs. I laid there a little longer and then decided to go downstairs.

I went down and saw that what I thought was a trash bag was actually the top of one of our trees falling over. It was now in the middle of our driveway. Ashley came and said for me and her to go outside and see, so I did. Right when we left the safety of our porch roof, a rather large branch came and smacked her in the back of the head. Fortunately it only brazed her and she said it felt like someone slapped her on her head. We got a safe distance from the trees and watched them bend in the wind. Debris from trees was flying everywhere. I saw a crumpled up, metal shed in my back yard. Ashley said it came from the neighbor's house and she watched it roll through our yard like paper. Hehe, this was cool. I went to go get the camera and took a few pics and then heard a loud bang and I decided to go inside. The bang turned out to be our fence door slamming shut. I went in the girls' room and they were holding the window up. They said it was making noise and they didn't know if it would break, lol. My mom had us go to the house behind us who didn't have any tall trees near their house. We are good friends with them. It was crazy though, because it was actually hard to walk out there. I almost fell over!

At their house we stayed a little and Amy stayed on their porch and just watched our house. Our tree house didn't move at all, my dad knows how to make things stay. I stayed out there a little but it was cold. Amy was reading the Fellowship of the Ring and she was at the part where they tried to climb the mountain in the snow. The wind was blowing a lot. She said that it seems like we are Frodo and the gang and this is the kinda stuff that would happen to them. I went inside and went into the computer room and sat at a chair right next to the window. Amy was right outside that window and I watched from there. Then Ms. Campbell (who lived at the house) asked me to go out and help her take down their American flag so it didn't pull the pole as much. I went out and helped her, and the rain hurt when it hit me. When we got back in I read some of the Two Towers. I was to this part where Frodo and Sam were in this tunnel and it was really really dark there. Then the wind died down and we were going to go back to our house. Amy came and said "Okay Jice (she calls me that) it's time to leave Rivendell now." (she was referring to the Campbell's house as Rivendell)

We went back and nothing much changed from when we left, except a tree had fallen across the street. Dean, the neighbor who had the metal shed came over and talked with my mom outside a bit. We found out that many trees had fallen all over and telephone poles and power lines were down. One person had a tree through his front door! All of Junction City was out of power, even Harrisburg where Nick lives, which is 4 miles away.

It got rather dark later and we had to use candles. It was very dark upstairs, and I stayed up there most of the time. I changed into the darkest clothes I could find and I would scare anyone who came upstairs. It was fun. Amy stayed in her room and when I came in there she couldn't see me, but knew I was in there. I crawled right up to her bed and she asked where I was. I stood up and she jumped a little. Ashley got scared several times easily. Then it was boring so I went downstairs where it was lighter. No stores or anything in Junction City were open because none of them had power, except Safeway. They had a generator. We went there for bottled water and food that needed no cooking. Half the lights were off in there, and they were moving all stuff that were to be kept cold into the freezers in the back. The ice cream and frozen stuff were off limits. Then we went back home and heated hot dogs on our gas stove used to heat the house. I finished the Two Towers by candlelight.

The next day (today) went along pretty normal except for no electricity. Then there was this parade of people in rain coats walking down River Road in front of our house. They had drums and flags with foreign writing on it. We watched them and just wondered what they were doing. It was only about 15 people. I was going to go to the college even though it wasn't a school day, so I could go online and type this, but I missed the bus. Then the power came back on when I came back in the house, go figure. So I got on the computer and wrote this. So now you know why I wasn't on last night, Kelli, lol.

previous entry : No more about Kelli, nor anyone else next entry: Darn Economy
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Hey hey. I just wanted to leave you a note cuz I missed ya. How are you doing sweetie? *Hugs* [XxCriesInSilencexX]

prey for my couzin Keith hes 11 and dieing of lung canser [KimmiG]

I wasn't on last night eiter, lol. I was grounded... but you already know that from our phone convo eaarlier today so I don't know why I'm telling you again except that it will make this note longer and long notes are very good. :)

Thanx again for the Vegetto drawing and the CD.

Luv ya, Kelli

Hey Jason! I just wanted to say hi, I havn't talked to you in a long time! Luv Ya! [angelgirl2002]



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