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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Darn Economy next entry: Poem - No Trust of Heart

Wow, words have power. 2/13/2002
Okay, I was looking for a self-extraction utility on Dogpile.com and it lists some common searched-for things that are close to what I typed in. Since I typed in "self extract" it had stuff that began with "self" and also had stuff that ended with "extract". One of them was "self mutilation". I decided to click on it since I know people who do that and wanted to see if there was any tips on there, it was worth a shot. It didn't say anything except that some people burn themselves and how it gets worse. You have to hurt yourself more to get the same relief as before. Then it said that people like that are worth more than that, they should get help or talk to someone they trust. That's it. It wasn't descriptive at all. I thought about how no one I know who cuts has stopped from talking to me.

After I clicked "back" and went back to the search engine, I felt icky inside. I saw the phrase "self mutilation" again and then felt like all trapped or something. A weighted feeling came in my stomach and, it was just depressing, really. It seems strange because it didn't go into any details about cutting or anything, it just mentioned it. But for some reason that was enough. I felt as though I had just read something really gory and extremely descriptive. You know what? If you or anyone you know is like that and needs someone to talk to, then feel free to talk to me. I'll listen as best I can, I just want to help. Please.

previous entry : Darn Economy next entry: Poem - No Trust of Heart
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Hey i hope that you have a great day, and everytrhing will go great on valentine's day, i know mine will:) my hunny is back me sooooo happy:) nmb sometime. [Mariah Carey 16]

awwwwww that's really sad. i understand that feeling- it's horrible. Even though it will obviously never go away from your memory, I hope that you try to put it aside for now and be happy again! You deserve to be! Best of luck! [~DifferentGal~]



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