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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : At Kelli's house 2 next entry: At Kelli's house 4

At Kelli's house 3 4/11/2002
Tuesday: Since I didn't know how long I would be staying and I didn't know how long it would take for Kelli's parents to rent the Monty Python movie, I decided to take matters into my own hands. After some searching, I found where they kept the phone books. I looked in the Yellow Pages under "movies" and found 2 with the same first 3 numbers in their phone number as Kelli's, so I guessed they were the closest. I called the first one and they had the movie. The store was on Highway 6. It was called "Midway Video." I walked to the end of Kelli's street but there were too many different ways and I had no clue as to which way Highway 6 was. I noticed that almost every house had a dog, and they all seemed to think I wasn't allowed to walk by their house. I found an older man who was just going into his house and I went and asked him which way Highway 6 was. He told me how and when I asked how far away it was he said 2-3 miles. Oh well, that's how far away my house is from the high school, and I've walked home plenty of times. Later on I asked some road workers for directions and they said just to follow the road I was on to get to the highway. I FINALLY got to Highway 6, and there was a store on my left where I could go and ask where Midway Video was. I observed it was a liquor store and it posted that only people 21 and over were permitted inside. Being 19, I walked in without hesitation and asked if the lady knew where the movie place was. She didn't. Hmm. I looked left and right and decided that there was more city kinda stuff on the left, so I went that way. There was a better chance it would be over there. I walked a little and came to a convenience store. I asked for the phone book, but then asked one of the customers if he knew where Midway was. He did! He told me just to walk along Highway 6 and I couldn't miss it. I had been going the right way. I asked him how far it was and he told me it was halfway into town, so maybe 2-3 miles. Great. It turned out to be more like 3. I passed a school and figured it was Kelli's high school. I got to the video place and found the movie and took it to the lady. Guess what she said. You can only rent movies if you have an account with them, and Kelli's family didn't. Plus, she can only give accounts to people who live in that city, and to people 21 and older. I obviously don't live there and I'm 19. I told her I walked the whole way and she knows where the street is that Kelli lives on. She said that she's rented movies to out-of-towners before and she has never gotten them back. And they used to give accounts to people 18 and older, but some guys would make accounts and rent like 5 movies and never return them. We stood there for a while. Then I said that I would give her more money than the movie was worth, and she could give it back to me when I returned it. She told me it costs them $75 for movies, and I didn't have that much. She finally said she would risk it and give me an account if I put up $20 and I would get it back when I returned it. I agreed. Then I had to walk back to Kelli's house. When I had about 1/8 of a mile left, Kelli's brother drove by and offered to drive me the rest of the way. Sure, why not. He immediately wanted to watch it so we did. When it was almost over, Kelli's bus arrived and Curtis had to go, so I turned it off. He said it was like the funniest thing he's ever seen. Then Joey came home, and their mom, and I had to go to the practice again. That night we all watched the movie except Curtis and their dad because they were gone. Then their dad came when we were like 1/4 of the way through and we started it over and everyone liked it a lot. Joey had to go to bed before it was over though...
previous entry : At Kelli's house 2 next entry: At Kelli's house 4
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geez, your never going to finish these entries. I didn't know Curtis drove you home that day! Poor you, lol

oh well... Kelli is siting in school in the library and is not supposed to be at this site probably but oh well.

ttyl, Kel

lol, i just read your notes. You got sick riding the gravatron? geez, you poor boy, I love that ride, ride it several times anytime I go to the fair. I guess its a good thing you werent here to go to the fair with us then, I woulda wanted to ride all the rides like that and you wouldnt want to, lol.



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