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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : At Kelli's house 4 next entry: Leaving Kelli's house :(

At Kelli's house 5 4/12/2002
Thursday: Kelli's parents took the day off and were going to take me to Galveston which is a city on the beach. Kelli's dad was born there. We walked around shops and looked for things to buy. Duh, we were shopping. It was a bunch of gift shops. Then we went to the Peanut Butter Warehouse where they sold a whole bunch of cool-looking stuff. There were swords, masks, statues, old magazines in plastic, just a lot of neat stuff. Upstairs was antiques and kids weren't allowed up there. They had old suits up there and old dresses, and bowler hats, and carved chests, and dressers... I saw this statue about 7 inches tall and maybe 5 1/2 inches wide of this Chinese dragon on a rock holding a ball. It looks really cool, and there was a much bigger version of it too. The larger one was $78 and the smaller was $18.50 so I got the small one. Now, since I'm somewhat colorblind, where I can see colors fine except reds look a tad more grayish to me than they really are, so some of the red in browns is gone which is why I sometimes mix up browns and greens, because browns look more green to me. Purples look more blue, yellows look more green, oranges look more green. So I thought that my really dark red dragon was black. Kelli corrected me however. So anyway, we went to the beach a little, but just walked and her dad told me some stories of when he lived there. Then we went to Joe's Crab Shack and I ordered popcorn shrimp. Kelli's parents ordered their stuff, and some appetizers. They got calamari (something like that) which is squid. They said Kelli loves it and she would be mad if she knew I was having some. It turns out, I like the squid better than shrimp now. I almost left my mom's digital camera on the table. When we got back to their house, Kelli was wondering where we had been, since she didn't know we were going to Galveston today. She said we should have brought her with us, and I admit it would've significantly added to my fun if she went, but she was in school. Joey had a baseball game, and we went to watch him.

Friday: I had rented the movie for 5 days, so I figured I better go return it today. I got on the bike and returned the movie and got my $20 back. Then I watched an anime called Kite that Meghan was letting Kelli borrow. Later that day, Kelli and I were bored and I suggested we should go do something, just the 2 of us. Kelli was writing an entry about me being there. We decided to go see a movie, and we saw Time Machine. It was cool, but not as good as I was thinking it would be. Curtis had to take us home, and he ran a few errands while he did.

Saturday: All the baseball teams were having a parade with a float for each team. They threw candy and beads. I pick up a string of beads and tried to put it over my head, but it wouldn't fit, so I left it around my head. Kelli and I were getting candy and beads. Kelli only had a few, but I put on every necklace I could find. When we were done, I had like maybe 30 bead necklaces around my neck and the same amount around my head. Kelli took one of the long ones and unhooked it, and hooked one end to one of my necklaces, and the other she tied around her wrist, like a leash. Then she undid it from her wrist and tied that end to one of her necklaces. I liked that better. Kelli is in the National Honors Society, so she has to do a certain amount of community service each year, so she helps at a ministry that sells used clothes and stuff, like Goodwill. She helps them hang up the clothes and other stuff like that. I went to help too, and they wanted me to come back. Too bad I live in Oregon, lol. We missed Joey's baseball game because of that, but I didn't mind. Their family (except Curtis who is almost never home) went to Cici's Pizza for dinner. It's an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, just like Izzy's.

Sunday: Kelli slept in too late to go to church, and this was one of the very rare times when her parents decided to go, so it was just me and Kelli home alone. They came back soon after since church wasn't very long I guess. I had to go back home that night, at 10. I really really didn't want to leave, especially leaving Kelli. I had to change the time on my ticket since I was going back later than I had bought the ticket for. When we got there, they had a real tough time changing the date on the ticket, since it was a special discount one and they said it had expired. The lady who sold it to me in the first place didn't tell me that it had to be used before Spring Break was over. 10 o'clock came and passed by. They finally got the manager lady and she said she wasn't supposed to do this, but she took a pen and wrote on my ticket that it's okay for them to let me on. The next time the bus left was 2:45 am. They didn't want me to stay like 5 hours there and wait for it, so they took me home and would bring me back in time. When we got to their house, they had to get some sleep before they brought me again, and Kelli took a shower, then I did. I went in her room and told her goodbye in case I caught the 2:45 bus. Their dad was considering letting me stay until Tuesday and taking me then. I would have to buy a one-way ticket to Oregon if I missed this the 2:45 bus though. When it was time, they brought me and I caught the bus :( They told me I was welcome back anytime though.

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