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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My Specialty: Complaints next entry: My Oreos

One of my better days at work 4/29/2002
Well, today I was sore from pushing carts yesterday. This is like my Friday since I work from Wednesday to Sunday and get Mondays and Tuesdays off. I was kinda depressed, just because I didn't feel like being at work pushing carts in. But then I told myself that I'm doing it for Kelli. If I do this, I'll be able to see her (because I'll make money from doing this). That made me feel better. I started pushing 6 carts at a time instead of 10 which is much easier. I get less carts off the parking lot at a time, but I can get 6 faster than 10, I can push them in faster, it's not as tiring, I can steer them better, so I don't know if it really takes longer than getting 10 at a time, and today I didn't care. I filled the cart place inside (no telling how long it will stay like that, from customers always coming and taking them) so I walked around the store to familiarize myself with it, in case someone asked me where something was. A man with his family stopped me and he said something to me that I couldn't make out while he pointed to a barbeque display and a boxed one. I asked if he was asking if the box had the same one as the display and he said yes. I looked at them both and they were the same, and he told me he wants it. I said I'll get a cart for it, and he said his cart was just over there. I said I'll get a big cart and put it near the checkout counters for when they are done shopping. He spoke more Spanish than English. Well, after I brought it to the front, I got paged to go to "Infants". I went there and someone needed me to put a boxed baby crib on a flat cart, so I did. The lady was shopping some more and I got called to the front of the store where I left the barbeque. The family was done shopping, so I pulled it out to their car, and there was no way it was going to fit in there. We ended up opening the box and taking each piece out and fitting it in their trunk. I went back to Infants and someone from Furniture already brought the crib out to the lady's car. Later, I had to help this guy take a boxed computer desk to his car. Again, no way it would fit, so we opened it and fit each board into his car. Cardboard goes to the bailer which is in Receiving (a back room with double doors by the mens boxers.) They always have the radio on in there with cool music going (usually '70s and '80s music) :) which is better than in the shopping area where they play other stuff. One time they even had a Backstreet Boys song going on *covers ears*. But anyway, when I came out of Receiving, there were 2 guys, early 20s, and one asked me if I could answer some questions. The other had a camcorder. I said sure. The guy came over to a pair of SpongeBob SquarePants boxers and asked me if they were very popular. I said I hope not and he said "so you don't like SpongeBob SquarePants?" I said no. Then he looked at some plain shirts and asked me why they aren't in a package, why they are by themselves. I told him that people might not want more than one of that color shirt, and he said that white shirts come in packages. I told him that people usually buy several white shirts, and he asked me if I thought white was better than the other ones. I told him no, but someone might want a yellow shirt and a red one, but you buy white ones to wear under other shirts, so you buy more of them. Then he told me to say that I'm on Jackass, the show on MTV. I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, but he did get a shot at my DBZ wallet, hehe. Also, when it was like 11 pm and I was out doing carts, one of my friends whom I haven't seen in a while pulled up. He lives in a different state, but was visiting someone one year and went to my school (7th or 8th grade) and we became good friends. In Social Studies, we had to make a board game with at least 2 types of cards, at least 5 of each card, one had to be Challenge, one had to be Wild, it had to have at least 40 spaces listing events that happened in history and the date it happened, and he said we can have a partner on it. Jared and I sat on different sides of the room due to seating arrangements, but right when the teacher said we can have partners, we both leaned back so we could see each other and pointed to each other, it was cool how we did it at the same time. We made the game with traps and stuff, and had a blast making it. We couldn't wait for someone to play it and get frustrated since you have to go back to start more likely than you get to the finish. Everyone in my family knows about it and dreads it from me having them play it a few times. I made a computer game of it, exactly the same, only I added some wild cards to it. I told him I did that and he said he'll have to stop by and see it sometime, so I'm happy about that.
previous entry : My Specialty: Complaints next entry: My Oreos
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I saw your DD. It's cool. Squall is cool too. I love FF8. It's my favorite game. [.s.a.k.u.y.a.]



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