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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : One of my better days at work next entry: A little more than average day at work

My Oreos 5/2/2002
I have nothing better to write about, so I'll write about my Oreos. I guess I'll add untrue stuff to this tale of my Oreos, though it could all be true, I don't really have any knowledge of what my Oreos went through before they came to me. I'll just retrace their tale starting with right now. Okay, right now they are in my stomach, though parts of them are probably still in my esophogas and mouth. But before they got there, they were in my mouth, and in my hand before that. My brother came and set them on the desk beside the keyboard because we were having Oreos right now. Oreos, what a generalization. I mean, every Oreo is different, each has a different amount of atoms that make it up. Everything should have a code number assigned to it so that you know which exact object you are talking about, like I just ate a 593756, so you would know exactly how many atoms are in it, and every one of it's physical properties. Then someone would know exactly how it tasted, given we could remember what every number means. So anyway, the "Oreos" were in a package in the store, but that's just the end of their journey. They were trapped, in an up-side-down umbrella with the fearsome Slapman towering over them. The enemies' hitmen were on other missions, so he was all they had available. Anyway, there they were, and the Slapman was just about to fill the umbrella up with water when...oh, why not milk you ask, since cookies go in milk? Well I'll tell you. Since milk is common with cookies, the Oreo base trained them how to survive in milk, while faking that they are getting soggy, so you still think they are getting soggy when they're not. The enemy knew this so he gave the Slapman water instead. He was just about to pour it on them when they whipped out their glass and the water went inside it... how did they get a glass you ask? Well, before this, they were on the trash man's table. He has to eat, too. He bought them illegaly from a hacker who hacked into a smuggling website and got a package of them sent to his hideout. The Oreos knew that it wasn't their time to be eaten, so they pushed over the glass of milk that the trash man put them in, and since he thought they were all soggy, he was surprised they had enough strength to push it over, and he's the kinda guy who cries over spilt milk so he started crying and the Oreos escaped with the glass, which is how they had it as defense against the Slapman. The Slapman, all out of tactics, fled. Having no need for a glass of water, the Oreos poured it out on the grass, not knowing that an ant hill resided there, and ants don't like water in their holes, lol. They all scurried out and saw the Oreos. The Oreos knew ants loved food, so they ran for their lives and got ran over by a car. A pedestrian (one that didn't get hit by a car) found them and saved them before it was too late. He used to produce cookies, so he got out his ingredients and mended the Oreos just in time, they were still unconcious, though. He felt he should send them to a good home, where they would be safe. He figured the best way to send them was in an old Oreo package he had in the trash, lol. He put them in the mail, and the mailman (who looks at the name, and not the address) sent them to the grocery store, where they were purchased and eaten by me. That's all just hypothetical though.
previous entry : One of my better days at work next entry: A little more than average day at work
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It's difficult to live without facing that fact. What is lost will never return. Important Things. Irreplaceable things. What is needed to keep those things is kept in the firm will packed into one bullet. Man knows, he knows that nothing will begin unless he speaks. That nothing will change unless he moves." Vash the Stampede - Hard Puncher [Usagi Maxwell]

im hungry now. i like the name 'Oreos' better than the actual cookie. maybe if i ever have a kid ill name it Oreo [stinky]

i know of a diary name Oreo! but anyway...you're very weird you know, very very weird. lol


thanks 4 writing about Oreos like i had told u 2 do. u made it quite interesting. really interesting. u have such a vivid imagination, its unreal. i agree with kelli you are a weird person. but no weirder then i am. Oreos man i love Oreos they r my favorite cookies. u have 2 eat them @ home with milk though. b cuz talking 2 someone with Oreos in ur teeth isnt attractive.luv ya becky



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