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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My Oreos next entry: OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little more than average day at work 5/3/2002
Well, after having 3 days off work, going back wasn't the highest on my list of favorite things to do. Greg (another stockman) was there so we took the cart pusher around (it's a thing with a motor that you can push a whole bunch of carts and you only have to steer it) instead of pushing them in by hand. I got called to one of the registers and a lady there wanted to buy a swing set that she saw in the paper. I went to Garden, which is near the storage trailers, and asked if they had any, or if she would have to take the display. They called a manager. Manager Wyatt appeared shortly and we opened the trailer and found the right one in a box, and the only way was to put it on her and her husband's car, even though Wyatt said we're not supposed to do that. He had plenty of rope though. Later, I had to go get another swing set out of the trailer and we put it on another lady's car. I also had to move a patio table and umbrella and chair to storage. I had to carry out a boxed computer desk for someone, too. Later, I got called to Layaway and had to put some stuff in a trailer and get... another swing set out. This time the person brought a pickup truck and it just fit in the back. Some seniors at my old high school were there holding a car wash to raise money to help keep kids off the streets and in school or something like that for their senior project. Maria was one of them I knew, and I wrote about her in a previous entry. A hispanic girl who was with them said hi to me. I guess she used to come in to Arby's a lot when I worked there. Anyway, almost every time she saw me she said hi. Once in a while she would come over to talk to me, and she smiled whenever she saw me, too. I figured she probably likes me in "that way". When I came out to get some carts later, she cameo t me with a cola (Wal-Mart's version of Pepsi) and she said she got it for me, and I told her I can't drink it because I'm on the clock. I told her I would have my lunch break soon, though. When it was time for that, she sat by me on a bench and we just talked, she kept patting my knee as a gesture or something when she said something. She was cold (it was cold outside, everyone commented on it) and she joked once about me keeping her warm. They went for pizza later, and left me there (I was kinda glad, though the last thing I want is her to feel bad) and I had half my lunch left. I tried 2 chili and cheese corn dogs (I know what I'm going to be getting for lunch from now on) and they were really good. My freakin' left knee hurt the whole time there, and felt like it may be swollen. I sure hope it doesn't get swollen, my knee does that sometimes, though. But pushing carts didn't help. It was also really cold outside, but knowing me, I didn't bring a jacket. Also knowing me, I didn't wear the jackets supplied for stockmen like me for when it's cold. I guess I have modes. When I haven't worn a jacket in a while, I get in a non-jacket mode and I won't wear one until it gets really really cold. Once I wear one, I'll wear one every day until it gets really warm. Anyway, during my break that'a 2 hours after lunch, I spent it with a new friend of mine who works there. Her name is Annett. I have to admit, she's pretty, and nice to be around. We only had a 15 minute break, and we talked on a bench in front of the store. The opening for the carts is about 4 feet tall, so I have to duck when I take them in (though I don't know if Kelli would have to). Some girls left the store and one went through the cart door and said "Hey, it's like a doggy door." They were teenagers, acting prissy. Annett said under her breath "No, it's like a cart door" and we both laughed about it. When it was late and I was getting all the carts off the lot, I went inside and the manager there asked my name. I told her and she wrote it down and said she appreciates me still being there. I told her that my shift wasn't over yet, and she said she knows, but I guess a lot of employees left early today and I was one of the few that remained. I actually stayed 15 minutes late finishing up the carts.
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hey! I would too have to duck if its only 4 ft. I'm 5'3 I'll have you know! lol

Anywho, so whats up with these girls??? You gonna go out with one? Come on, you are like the pickiest guy, most guys seem to just go out with anyone. The hispanic or whatever one sounds nice, buying you a cola and all... oh well. I missed my bus, again :( but I guess is ok since it gave me time to note you.

Luv, Kel

Heh..yeah. SOme work can get really tough. Sounds like you are going through it well though. ::huggles:: I'm sorry that i havent visited your diary lately! But Of course, I'm happy I did now! so, hey, Nmb! [~Jennifer Connelly~]



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