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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! next entry: For crying out loud

The dog lady 5/5/2002
Okay, while working, this lady came in wanting me to get a flat cart and get some dog food for her... 20 bags! She told me to meet her at the front and she would be getting some other items. I got about 8 on the cart when one of the bottom ones decided to get a hole in it, spilling a little dog food. I went to Garden and asked for the tape gun, which is just a thing of tape with a handle. They couldn't find it, and then went back to checking out customers. I asked where just normal tape was, no answer. I went and found it myself in a drawer. Then I asked where some scissors were. One attempt to find them from the people there and that's it. I found them on my own. I taped up the hole and then finished loading the cart. Then I pulled it to the front (jeez it was heavy. I had to lean a lot to even get it to move. And yes Kelli, I'm leaning, oh no! lol). So I had to take it out to her car... actually van. She had the back seats out and dog cages and other stuff was in there. I said, "I guess you don't get dog food very often," since she buys so much she must not have to come back for a long time. She said she buys dog food as often as anyone, she just has a lot of dogs. She said she would be back in a few days for more dog food because she was going out of town and wanted to make sure they have enough. Um, I don't doubt for one second that they'll have enough. Greg, one of the other stockman called me "dog boy" after I was done, haha very funny.
previous entry : OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! next entry: For crying out loud
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lolz...thas funny..but damn 20 bagz..i wonder how many dogs she has...mai neighbor has 23 catz!!lmao..juss imagine how her house smells!! PU!!!!! [~*PeRtYpRiNcEsS*~]

my aunt had over 30 cats

hey now! don't be leaning! I can't belive you would do that, you know what that means! ROTFL

well, as you can see this stupid TOD FINALLY let me get in after trying all day... I'm starting to hate this site, maybe I should use another online diary site that will work all the time...

oh well, catch ya later ~Kelli



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