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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The dog lady next entry: Not a good conversation at all

For crying out loud 5/7/2002
Today was like the busiest day I've had at Wal-Mart! I got my badge at least! That's just a bar code thing on the back of my nametag that I use to clock in with, so now I don't have to write my hours on a paper every day and get it signed. Then I got called to Garden. A carry-out for a customer. Then I got called to Layaway, which is the furthest point in the store from Garden. Someone needed me to carry something out for them. I went to the front of the store and got called to Garden again. Someone needed something off the top shelf, so I had to get a ladder and get it down. The item was cracked and the last one, so they got a different type. At the front a lady was in a motorized wheelchair with a shopping basket, and I was supposed to drive it back to Layaway when she was done. After I did, I got called to Garden. I finally got time to do the carts, and they were getting low, which meant a lot of pushing on my part to fill them back up. Brian (the manager who was working at the time) told me that today just isn't going well. He said he needs me in the store more than getting carts. I got called to the front of the store because someone wanted something off the top shelf. Everyone was getting gardening stuff today. I asked Brian where the nearest ladder was and he asked why. I told him I got called to get something off the top shelf at the front of the store. He looked and made a sound like "that's ridiculous", or maybe because it happened today when everything else was a mess. Anyway, I had to go to furniture and help someone get an entertainment center and futon out, plus a TV. When I came back in the people greeters, who also harp on us stockmen to get carts, told me I need to get some carts now. I was the only stockman there. I told her that Brian said he needs me in the store more than getting carts. She said for me to get carts and she'll talk to Brian. I thought that was funny because he's a manager. Okay, first there are regular associates like me, no authority. In each department there is a dept. manager. There are also CSMs which means "Cutomer Service Manager". Dept. managers and CSMs are like just as high as each other. Support manager is above them, and assistant manager is above support manager. Store manager is the highest in our store, and then regional manager is above store manager. Brian is a support manager, and the people greeter is a regular associate. Anyway, I guess she got him to let me do carts, since there were no carts whatsoever in the place where they go inside. I filled it all up and went on my lunch... 2 hours later than I was scheduled for. When I got back, I went outside and got all the carts from the parking lot and put them all where they are supposed to be. That usually takes 2 hours or more, and the assistant manager at the time really likes that I do that, since I guess none of the other stockmen do it. The morning stockmen like it too, really easy for them since all the carts are gathered, and the people greeter likes it because she has enough carts inside. I just wish I could talk to Kelli more right now, and I wish she could tell me everything. I don't want any secrets between us, I feel we should be able to tell each other anything. I'm her friend, and in my eyes, the best one she has. I just... miss her, terribly. How can I change so I will be better for her? So she will like me more, feel more comfortable around me. Feel about me how I feel about her. But hey, it's late, so... lata.
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