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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My late prom2 next entry: 2 songs

Why must things be wrong? 5/14/2002
I feel so unimportant lately. I'm a supporting character in life. You know how the main characters have love and lose it, and then have it again? It turns out they never lost it. Then the movie's over, happy ending. Guess what? The main character has a best friend, and they want to be with someone also, but they don't get together by the end of the movie because it's not a big part of the plot, it just adds depth. Makes the movie more realistic by having someone else like someone that doesn't have anything to do with the story, like if a bird flies by. Maybe they do get together at the end, and it makes the movie happier, but people don't expect it, they don't wait for it to happen, it's just a nice little surprise at the end. Well, I feel like that person. At home, I'm the one who fixes the computer all the time. What do I get in return? Everyone's expectations that it should work fine and that I should stop whatever I'm doing to help someone on it. I've been having to work late and when I come home, my sister is on the computer. She says I can get on it whenever I want when she's at school, don't even bother that Kelli is at school during that time also. My dad's been sick here for a week or so. I haven't talked to Kelli for 4 days (that's a lot to go without for me) and I just broke that tonight by talking to her. It was okay, not what I wished for, what I longed for, what I missed. I feel like I've gone another day without talking to her. One good thought I can hold onto is going and seeing her, but now I wonder how good that would actually be. It would suck if someone else was on her mind most of the time. There was once a time I thought I was the most important person in her life. Sure she had friends, but I thought I was special. I thought I was different than them. I thought my luck was changing from high school. No girls liked me in high school. I always hoped that someday, some girl would like me for who I am. I would make a difference in their life. They had never met anyone like me, and they wanted to be with me forever. They would have friends of course, but they would be friends and I would be more. I hoped I could walk into someone's life and become as much a part of it as they are. I thought that had happened. I was wrong. Why must everything be wrong? Why is there always someone better for someone? Why can't I be a main character in someone's life instead of the supporting character described above? I really enjoyed my time spent with Kelli. I thought it meant something really special to do what we did. I guess it's not, but I still liked it just the same. I thought someone would only do that with their main character, so I thought I was the main character. I took what I knew and put things together, and based everything on that. Well, now I know that what I knew was wrong, so what I put together is wrong, and so everything I based on it is wrong, and this particular thing being wrong results in much depression for me. Besides, she said it was new, so that's why she was so much for it. I just miss her, I miss thinking she loves me. I miss being the main character, or thinking I was. She's the main character in my mind. Well, many thoughts to keep me awake tonight. I am very grateful to have her as a friend though. I have not lost all hope yet, and thank goodness for that. Who knows, it could get better.
previous entry : My late prom2 next entry: 2 songs
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I'm sorry you're feelin all down.I pray in my heart that things will get better.Laterz [Sexi~Lexi~Pepsi]

what did I say was new? Oh well, I don't remember, I never can remember what I say. I guess I'm pretty dense too, cause I don't see how my being depressed that David isn't my friend anymore makes you feel any less special... David was my best friend for a long time ok... he meant alot to me, and its just not easy to let go and admit that he's gone from me forever. dont let that depress you




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