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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : I want his job! next entry: 2 more songs

What am I going to do now? 5/18/2002
Last night I was tired, and a little depressed, and I said some things I shouldn't have. I know it's too soon to think about marrying anyone, but I was talking like I knew for sure. The end result: Kelli told me she will never go out with me. NEVER! Not today, not in a few years, not when I go to stay with her during college. Never! Which means never marry her either. At times I thought I was this close to her going out with me, the only obstacles being our distance and college, which I would soon get around. But it's not about that. She doesn't think I could be happy with her. Well, if I can't, then no one can. She said it's the best for me. She wants me to go have fun, forget about her, and now I can do that easier since I know there will never be a chance with her and I. She said she doesn't break promises to friends, and I'm her friend.

Great, this is all I need. My main source of happiness torn away. Sure I can play video games, go do fun things, but one needs romance. I could go out with someone for fun, but how is that different from being just friends? The committment is I guess, but why be committed to someone whom I don't like more than someone else? How could I choose? I don't like anyone "that way" except for Kelli. I do go do fun things with girls though. This cute girl I met at Putters would love to go to a movie or something with me, though she has a boyfriend. I went to a movie with Allison, with Marianna, with Maria. I went to prom with Estella. I went to Maria's house and ate dinner there. I have fun with people a lot already. But you can only have one boyfriend or girlfriend at a time. Going out with Kelli wouldn't take away my friendship with the girls mentioned. And remember, it's not just distance. Kelli said I don't know her enough. Well, I don't know anyone else any better! Why should I go out with them then? They could have things bad about them just as much as Kelli could. And also, why is it okay for David to go out with Kelli? How is he different? How is Scott different? Or actually, how am I different? Why can't I go out with Kelli for fun, like she did with Chris?

I will like Kelli forever, and miss her always.

This is harder for me than leaving her in Texas. Harder than when Kelly broke up with me out of the blue, and I wasn't even going out with Kelli! Last night when I went to bed, I was shivering when I was getting into bed. So I wrapped myself up in the blankets, and put them over my head, and I got pretty warm, but I was shivering the whole night. I couldn't sleep any either. I really tried to not think about her, and to try to sleep, but it didn't work. Every time I looked at the clock it was like an hour later, and I finally slept for a half an hour around 7am. I still like her just as much as I always did, and I will honestly try not to disappoint her. I will look for girls as potential girlfriends.

This is killing me...

P.S. Stickdeath.com if very funny.

previous entry : I want his job! next entry: 2 more songs
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wat she said to u shows tat she is scared of committment, u need to give her some space and let her find out wat she wants in the end it will prob be u. let her come to u, it will work the best thing u could do is not give up on her because she prob needs u now more than ever [CassnDi]

that'd kill anybody. yeesh. ... how'd she break up with you when you two weren't even going out?

>> [lord almighty]

well, I'm far too young to be even thinking about marrying ANYONE... but I have hit a similar situation a few months back. I found out that I was moving away. The only guy I ever seriously said "I love you" to and I decided to stick together through the move. (I haven't moved yet), a month later, he said that he'd been doing some thinking and decided it was best for us to split up. We are (cont [JUST A LONLY FIGMENT]

still the best friends in the world, he didn't want me to move, meet a guy I liked, and feel tied down with him... it was sweet, but I'm still in love with him and I don't want to fall in love with someone else... I'm sorry about what you're going through, it's really hard, getting dumped in the cold not wanting to believe their really gone... best of wishes and love


i have said tat millions of times its hard to believe tat someoen else could love u... its bc shes scared of commitment and she is scared to loose u and like it suxs bc i do it all the time and its so hard to be happy

well, theres not much I can say, except to answer your question of what makes you different. well, you're different than Chris and Scott both becayse they live HERE and also because niether of them was really looking for a long-term relationship, it was fun for us yeah, but we knew it would end and we didn't much care. As for David... beats me, maybe you're more like David than I would care to...

...admit, talking about the future and all. David used to do that. Except he too was willing to see the other side, he used to say that when I got married, if not to him, he was going to come tell my husband that he was still the cutest guy I ever knew, lol. But see, he saw the IF. He didn't say, "hey I know I want to marry you" That is not something I want to be hearing when I'm 18. Maybe...

...when I'm 21 or 22, but not 18. And for all those people who left notes, I'm not too scared of being commited, I'm really more scared of someone else wanting to be commited to me.

Stickdeath.com is fun, but Thisisacryforhelp.com is even funner.

Also, I will consider what you asked in the entry on my diary, but don't get to hopefull about it. I don't like breaking promises.




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