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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The birthdays start... next entry: Smile... you suck!

Nick's birthday 5/27/2002
Okay, well today was Nick's birthday. The day started out with yardwork on my part, and then we went to a Memorial Day BBQ at Bro. Steve's house. The card we got for Nick had a big smiley face on it and I told him it was a Wal-Mart card because of it, lol. It was okay at the BBQ, but I had to leave after an hour and a half to go to work. Work was okay. Later, the people greeter, Sandy, and I got in a conversation. I mentioned how most of the people in Receiving are older guys, and Receiving is mostly physical work. She said she is 53 and could work circles around us stockmen at pushing carts in. She went into this story about how she was raised on a farm, and learned how to drive a tractor at age 10, and how she could lift more than us young boys and push more carts at a time. Her daughter overheard and agreed with her. She said she could lift a 90 lbs box of books, and most guys couldn't. She said I most likely wouldn't be able to, either. A little later, I went to the pet department and found a bag of 44 lbs dog food. I stacked 2 of them on the ground, and lifted them easily, lol.

We got off early, so I had to wait 30 minutes for my ride, since they were watching the Star Wars movie for Matthew's birthday, so they weren't home when I called.

During pushing carts, I thought a lot about stuff, mainly myself. Like judging myself. It turns out I'm trustworthy unless it comes to getting advice. When I want help with something, I tell them everything so I can get the most accurate advice. Well, so far I haven't gotten ANY good advice that way. And when I think about it, I didn't even realize I was telling them something that I maybe shouldn't. I guess I've done that often. I tell people they can trust me, and at the time, I really believe they can. Only bad has come from that, but the most recent time, was the worst by far. Since then, I haven't told anyone things that they tell me in private. I find myself wanting to, but then I suddenly remember, and I don't say it. I guess it's too late now though, since I've messed up this big already. It's like learning the hard way that jumping from a 10-floor building will kill you. You learned it, but it's too late now for it to benefit you. I don't know, I just feel really bad... about a lot of things. I hate hurting people, but it's like I can't get away from it. I'm learning how not to, the hard way. But at least I've learned one lesson: don't tell anyone anything about others, no matter how harmless and unimportant it seems to you. It might, and most likely is, very important to the person who told you. So, anyone who reads this, learn from my mistakes, maybe I can at least help someone this way, by showing what NOT to do. I guess I'm good for something now.

previous entry : The birthdays start... next entry: Smile... you suck!
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Thing is with you, when you seek advice from someone you don't follow by it anyways. So I dont pity you. But then, its your life Jason, you are going to do things anyway. Just don't think everything must be perfect all the time. Because its not made to be that way. 'Cause if it were, then we wouldn't know anything about ourselves, and others. Think about that one for a while. [wiccangoddess]

hey kelli and jason,

listen i m sorry for watever promblems i caused u guys but seriously i dont know everything i just comment on what i read. u shouldnt break up a friendship or stop noting ur supposed best friend bc i said somthing. i seriously think u 2 should work out ur promblems and if its tat big of a deal dont post it on the internet for all to read. [CassnDi]



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