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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Josh... next entry: The little things

...and some stuff besides him 6/2/2002
... Well today I saw Carly again. She was working. Her friend, Mark, came and said something like, "Well, she's at his house tonight. He better not start anything or I swear I will kill him right there." Later I asked what they were talking about and she told me that he is dating her roommate, and she went to her ex-boyfriend's house, who is really mean to her, and maybe staying the night. He is really hurt by it. So Mark was going to Carly's house and she was going to invite other people to get his mind off it.

I talked to Annette a little. Not much though, but it's been a little while since I worked the same shift as her.

When it was dark, I was finishing pushing carts in when I saw 2 boys maybe 20 years old at the checkout counter. I heard one of them yell, "Do you want to take this ouside!" I didn't know if he was playing or really mad at someone. The other guy he was with had like a stick in his hand and the other boy yelled and pretended to fall back as if the other boy hit him. The first boy threw a bag of something at a wall really hard and some candy fell out. He and his friend went and picked some of it up. They both had toy wooden rifles that they had pointed to a teddy bear's head. I was by the doors and they came by me and looked at me and it sounded like they said thanks. But I guess I heard them wrong because they kept saying "sphynx" over and over again as they walked outside. One of them hit the door with his bag and some more fell out. Then the other said, "Look, you spilled some!" Then they went outside and yelled at something else. I went to the only cashier and asked what those guys were high on. She said she doesn't know, but it was something. She said they had teddy bears and toy rifles pointed to their heads and they told her they were taking the bears hostage.

When I was waiting for my parents to come get me, some of the overnight guys who buff the floors and stuff were on break out there. One of them was in his twenties, and the 2 others were like in their fifties. Some girl walked by and they commented to themselves about her looks. Then they started talking about a girl they saw inside and how she was dressed and it's like the only thing they noticed was certain parts of her body. I'm sitting here like, "What is wrong with these guys?" I guess I'm just not around guys a lot to know how most of them think and talk about around other guys, so it surprises me when I hear stuff like this. I mean, personality is most important, but of course looks are a factor too. But looks to me has always been about the face. Sure a girl's body can look good, but that's a secondary. I just don't understand how these guys think. It makes me wonder if most guys are like that. Someone told me I'm the odd one, so maybe most guys are like that. Hmm, I just don't want them to give all guys a bad name. Anyway, my parents were at someone's house and they had both the cars, and they knew I was off work at 11:30, but they forgot about me and Andrea was on the internet so they came an hour late. And the trees outside weren't that interesting to look at.

previous entry : Josh... next entry: The little things
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I just love people when they

can have fun life that. There are nights

when my friends and I are bored

so we go to super wallmart and play

with the toys...super wallmart

and wallmart are the best stores

ever!!! Dont think that they were high

on something...they can be just having

fun....so dont assume things

it can make an ass out of yourself


its actually dont assume things because it makes an ass out of you and me...but whatever....nice entry by the way,its really freaky how u right about a chick with the same name as me..oh well.... [JesusFreesus04]



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