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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : I'm back!.......... maybe next entry: Spending the night

The bachellorette party 6/23/2002
The other day at work my friend, Rebekah (yes, she spells it that way), was having a friend come eat lunch at the in-store restaurant. She told me that her friend was getting married next Saturday and this was her bachellorette party (what fun, a bachellorette party at Wal-Mart). Anyway, the girl didn't know that Rebekah had some special stuff planned, like a decorated table, and roses being given to her by people she didn't know. I was one of those people. I was supposed to get a rose from Christina, who was hiding, and give it to the girl after she came in. Rebekah had already paid for the roses of course. She had asked many other people to do the same. Well, I was also asked to take pictures of her when she came in, so I did. It wasn't that big of a thing, but it was not something had happens every day.
previous entry : I'm back!.......... maybe next entry: Spending the night
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