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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The relatives next entry: Family outing to beach

Day at the coast 7/19/2002
I was talking to Carly the other day and I had some Reese's cups and offered her one. She was working behind the Radio Grill counter and said they had too much fat. She's a little overweight. Anyway, I joked by saying, "I would think you would be used to fat by now." She gave me a shocked expression and then I smoothed it over by saying, "I mean, I'm used to fat by now, since I eat fatty foods all the time." Then after a while I said, "You know, physical appearance is only an added extra." She's like, "Maybe to you, not to most guys though." I asked if she was trying to impress all the guys. She said she was. I asked if she wanted all the guys to like her (she always talks about not wanting to date guys anymore since they turn mean or their friendship isn't the same afterward). She said she just wants one guy to like her. She said he works at Wal-Mart, and that I know him, but she wont tell me who. She said her life would be easier if he didn't know, but she would tell him if she knew he liked her too. Oh well, I changed the subject so as to not pressure her to tell me (which is something I have a habit of doing unfortunately).

My relatives sleep in the den where the computer and PlayStation are, meaning I can't be on after 10.

About a week or so ago, I asked Becky if Kelli had been on since I hadn't talked to her in a while, and she wasn't on at the time. She said she doesn't know since she doesn't talk to Kelli anymore, and I should get over her already because it's annoying now. I hardly think that asking if she was on displays an obsession with her, and no I'm not stuck on Kelli. I think I like Carly, too, and I think about her just as much.

The same day Carly told me she liked someone, Tracy told me she was going to the coast and wanted to know if I wanted to come. I said sure. Yesterday she took her friend, Elizabeth, and me to the coast which is an hour and a half away. We went to Honeyman first, and got these paddle boats to take us to the other side of the lake where sand dunes were. There are only 2 seats with paddles and they insisted on paddling, so I sat between them. Elizabeth is 6'1". They kept threatening to throw me out since I was dead weight. Then Elizabeth wanted to get out so we dropped her off at one of the dunes and I took her spot. Tracy wanted me to drop her off near there and for me to paddle it back since our 30 minutes was up, so I did. I had to walk around to get to where they were. I met Tracy on the path and she said she was going to her car and was going to drive it over there. I waited there and couldn't find Elizabeth, and finally Tracy came and said we'll just play in the sand while we wait for her. She bought some sand toys and was going to make a sand castle. She kept running out of water and would have me take the toy watering can down to the water and fill it up for her. Elizabeth came and I went over to her and told her where we were, and she was wearing a black bra with her pants, since she didn't bring a bathing suit. Tracy laughed and said, "Nice bra." Then we packed up and left for another spot and Tracy said she was making a sand castle but her water boy left so she couldn't finish (Oh man, reminds me exactly of something Kelli would do, sending me to get water while she does something in the sand, hehe. That was fun).

We went to the actual ocean beach and just walked around since the water was freezing. Tracy kept talking about Robert (her fiance) and mentioning how particular houses we passed would be a great place for the honeymoon. She wrote "I love Robert" in the sand. She said she met him online, but that was the only time she talked to him online. She now just talks to him on the phone and he visits once in a while. And she talked to him twice during our outing. I did miss Carly a little. It would have been more fun with her. We would talk about stuff in the car, unlike in Tracy's where there was mostly silence. I just feel more of a belonging feeling with Carly, and not so much a stranger.

We went to a few shops, but I didn't have my shirt or shoes on, so we had to figure that out first. When we were on the beach, the tide was coming in and it soaked all our stuff; we just had towels and clothes, though. So my shirt and shoes were wet and I didn't want to wear them, so I had just been wearing my shorts in the car. Tracy pulled out a loose sweater from a bag in her trunk that she had gotten from Goodwill. I wore that. Now the problem of shoes. Tracy got her boots on (which look just like Kelli's, plus her jacket looks like Kelli's too) and I had to wear her flip-flops with a big flower on them.

Well, we got home and I called Carly and asked how her day was, and she said it sucked. She got a speeding ticket. Oh yeah, Tracy got a speeding ticket, too, for going 74 in a 55 speed zone. We saw about 8 police cars over the course of the day, which was odd. Anyway, Carly is going to come over today before work so I have to go do my chores right now, so later!

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