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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Day at the coast next entry: Accident boy

Family outing to beach 7/20/2002
My immediate family, plus my grandparents and aunt, went to the coast today; the same place Tracy took me. But Amy is going to work (she works at McDonald's now) and I'm going to work, too. My mom asked me to ask if Carly could take me to work since they would be gone, but her shift is 2 hours after mine and she doesn't want to go there 2 hours early and then do nothing. She was at a party last night because one of her friends at Wal-Mart was leaving for Georgia, and I guess a lot of Wal-Mart associates were there. Carly said she's really tired and has a headache, and will probably be sleeping until she has to go to work. I really don't have any other way to get to work, besides riding my bike, though it is covered with spider webs and has 2 flat tires. I tried filling them up but they soon got flat again. I guess I'll try calling Carly again and seeing if she feels any better. Gosh I wish I had a car and license!
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Go Amy! my mom thinks I should go back to work at McDonalds but not hers, she says I should go to the one in our town where Bryan works. But then David's mum would be my boss, I dunno how that would be... besides working in fast food sucks, lol.

hope you get a ride to work, good luck! ~Kitsuchi



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