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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : The company picnic next entry: Diary dressup

General stuff 7/24/2002
One of my best friends, Nick's, grandma, Sis. Janet, died about 3 days ago due to cancer. We had known she had it in her arm or something like that, but we just recently found out it was breast cancer, and it had spread through to her back and she died about a week later. Her mom was at her house taking care of her, and the brethren took turns spending the night and taking care of her as well. She passed away the night my mom was over there. We will miss her, especially Bro. Steve who was her son, and Bro. Don who was her husband.

On a lighter note, I had plans to see "Reign of Fire" with Carly yesterday, but that was the last day my relatives were going to stay here, so I figured I would spend the day with them and then go see it with Carly when they left. Well, her friend, Bonnie is moving to Georgia and it was her last day in Oregon, so she was at her house, and when she finally called me, she didn't want to go see it. She wanted me to come to her house and watch a movie instead, but we agreed to not go watch "Reign of Fire" with anyone else but each other. Well, we ended up watching "Evolution" because I hadn't seen it, and it was good. My family had rented it before, but I was on AIM when they watched it and didn't want to get off. Anyway, that's what's up.

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