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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : One more day closer to my death next entry: :)

Spider dream 9/4/2002
Last night I had a dream, as you may or may not have guessed. I was standing behind a window separating the room I was in with the adjacent one. There were about 5 or so people in there standing still. They couldn't move. A program started and like 10 or 20 cream-colored spiders were placed on each person. It as like a simulation. I think the spiders wrapped them up and then made egg sacs and had lots of baby spiders. The baby spiders were about as big as a silver dollar and the adult ones were as large as your hand, though they had the structure of regular spiders and not tarantulas. They weren't poisonous I don't think, it's just that they were big and could have babies rather quickly.

Next thing I know I'm in this house and one of the adult spiders got in there, but I was the only one who knew it. It was a movie that I was watching, but at the same time I was there. The other people couldn't see me and neither could the spiders. This guy was there and he was one of the people in the simulation and I guess the movie started with him already having a spider on him and babies started coming and he was surprised, to say the least, and brushed them all off. Then there was a lot of chaos and he was getting everyone out of the house, and trying to step on every spider he saw. Every once in a while another baby spider would come out from somewhere. I'm not sure how it ended.

previous entry : One more day closer to my death next entry: :)
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Have you seen "Arachnaphobia" ? That was a cool movie! I only read this entry cause it's about spiders. Anyway, you were talkin about a story you were writing? I dunno if Josh and Chris are mixable, but whatever floats your boat. From what I've seen of her diary, you're almost always there when she's going through something, so why do you say she's happy to have ME? [Lost Puppi]



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