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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Day with Daddy next entry: Sigh

My thoughts on 9/11 9/12/2002
Well, it was the police's phone number yesterday (for you who don't know, 911). And it's the day when America Remembers, or A Nation Remembers, or something like that. Personally I think that's a little long for the title of a holiday, for a holiday is what will be made out of it. But I better not have to be saying "It's America Remembers Day, kids," sometime in the future because they named it that. And it better not become National Sad Day, either. We already have Sadder Day (Saturday).

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but when I heard about the 2 buildings being struck by airliners, I was like "Oh really. That's not going to go over well. Oh well." And when I look at the memorial magazine things at Wal-Mart which show pictures of the event and stories and such, the part I noticed most was the cool explosions. I mean, sure it's sad for the people who lost loved ones, I'm not mocking them at all. And it's sad that people died, but look in the newspaper in the obituaries for crying out loud. There's about 7 or so who die just in my area every day, not to mention the people who are jumped and sometimes killed by gang members or punks who want someone's sparkly watch. And like my friend commented on, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And look at Japan now, they trade with us!

Another thing that I roll my eyes at is "God Bless America". I mean, c'mon, God doesn't bless America any more than he blesses all the other evil countries. Do people think that everyone in the United States are good and are going to Heaven? I'm sure just about anyone I ask will tell me about some person they hate and they don't think is on God's good side, but live in America. Face it, God doesn't choose people by where they live. He doesn't group people by nation. Most American's cuss, they divorce, they lose their virginity before marriage, they lie, all things God hates. Plus they are all for killing anyone who does a wrong to the U.S.A. The United States isn't a sacred place that no one dares to attack. Just because it's our country, people think it's worse. Well, that's all I have to say. I feel bad for the people who lost loved ones, but we've certainly lost a lot less innocent people than a lot of other countries.

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its gonna be called Patriots Day [Polka Dot Bunny]

I hope they bomb again =) [Perfect Blood Stain]

yea me too kelly

Your friend Sarah [|Voodoo Rain|]

man you're right, those were some cool explosions, like watching a cool action movie or something. When I heard about it was from kids in my school while they waited in line to give blood, everyone else was like "oh my god that's horrible" I was thinking more along the lines "what's the world trade center?"




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