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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My friend, Amber next entry: Bored day off

Lotsa things 9/17/2002
My sister, Andrea, is back from Lake Mead where she was on vacation with the California brethren. They stayed in house boats. She's been gone for about 3 weeks. She's really tan, too.

I got my Dragon Ball episodes in the mail yesterday! Two tapes: episodes 1-5 and 6-10 of Dragon Ball in Japanese with English subtitles. Yay! Amy and I plan on eventaully buying the entire Dragon Ball series in that format, and we will split the cost. We watched the first 2 episodes last night, and already saw several things they took out for the English one. Example: Bulma (Bloomer in Japanese) doesn't say that Goku's name is weird after he says hers is, she just says that's why she didn't want to tell him her name. It's a little fuzzy and static-y sometimes, but it's because it was copied so much. It costed $15.50 for the 2 tapes including $3.50 for shipping from New York, so it was $12 for the 2 tapes themselves.

There is this very nice and pretty girl at Wal-Mart named Bethanie (I think). I started talking to her yesterday. Every time I see her she has this cheerful smile and it just makes me feel good. I went and told her that I really like walking by and seeing her smile, and she said, "Thanks, that's very sweet of you." She has some kind of accent, maybe French, I'm not sure. I was deciding what to get for a snack, and I asked her what she would get, and she gave a thoughtful answer, and stayed there debating how different kinds of snacks tasted until I made up my mind (I actually asked her opinion so that I could get something I liked and give her half). She liked that. A lot of the guys like her, and I'm pretty sure she either has a boyfriend or some other guy has a better chance, but I'm just keeping my options open even though currently I don't like her that way, and I don't want to take advantage of her kindness.

The Radio Grill closed and a McDonald's will take it's place, so Carly now works in the toy department, though she didn't work yesterday.

I worked a little more on my story, but it's going slow since I have to think of everything as I go at the part I'm at. I'm just in a happy mood lately, and may you, too, enjoy your day.

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hey, what part of oregon are you from? nmb



You don't give urself snuff credit.I know I don't actually "know" you,but you seem like a cool guy and i have to say ur shoes r totally kicken'!Lol!Keep it rawkin'.





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