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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My fault next entry: I'm weird

No title, just read it 9/20/2002
I was talking to Kelli online and she was upset about something (not me thank goodness, hehe) and I tried to make her feel better but she just left. Then I had to do chores until my bus came, but I missed my bus, so I had to do more chores and Kelli wasn't on the whole time (I got to talk to Heidi, though, and she's ALWAYS a treat to talk to). Then I went to work. Amber is off at college, Elisabeth wasn't there, Tammy wasn't there, Carly was there, but was sort of giving me the silent treatment (more like the whatever treatment). I just felt every time I opened my mouth it made me look bad. Maybe she was tired, maybe bored, or maybe I'm annoying to her, or something else is wrong. Anyway, the whole time working was pretty boring with no one to talk to. Oh yeah, I heard the power was out for Wal-Mart until 1 in the afternoon, but I came in at 4. But they were cutting hours for today so I was off at 10 instead of 11:30. I didn't know that until it was time to go. My lunch was supposed to be at 8 but I wasn't hungry and asked Bethanie if she wanted to eat somewhere with me. She said she'll see. Well, I was waiting to take my lunch when she did when they said it was time to go. So no lunch for me, meaning I got an extra hour since I didn't clock out for an hour lunch! :) Bethanie got off at 11, and since my ride wasn't until 11:30, I just read The Lord of the Rings until she came out and I asked if she had to go straight home or she could talk until my ride came. She said her ride comes at 11:30. Hehe. So we talked about random stuff like how many siblings we have, what we do on our free time, what position we sleep in (lol) what kind of group were we in during high school, and then her ride came and she had to leave. A guy working overnight maintenance came and said he thinks she's single and I should go for her. I'll keep it in mind, but not for a while. Well, that's about it for now. Nick wants me to go to Putters tomorrow and play DDR before work, so I hope we can. Leave notes now, you hear? LOL.
previous entry : My fault next entry: I'm weird
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Hehe.*Smiles* Thanks sweetie. You are very much the treat to talk to as well. Even though we don't get to talk all that much anymore. :(...But hey, its okay. *Huggles him, and goes off to make her new diary* [~Jennifer Connelly~]

Cool Cool, Me myself I am from Salem... [Zecs2003]

hey I wnat ta talk to you ASAP. You said in your note you don't cound *blank* as real, well *someone* told me something about that, and well...I wanna ask you waht you think about it because I think someone is being lied to.

anwyho.... get online soon!




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