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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : No title, just read it next entry: Boring irritating day

I'm weird 9/22/2002
Now, my friend Elizabeth and I are cool. We would hang out on breaks, take lunches at the same time. Whenever she would see me, she would say hi in a voice like she hasn't seen me in a while and it's a nice surprise. She would always beckon me to come talk with her, and asking what shift I work and getting excited if we work the same time... and just yesterday, we went across the street from work and went to Little Ceasar's Pizza and I paid for a large (she didn't have any money) and we ate all but 2 pieces. She's always happy for me to come see her when she's not busy, plus she's cute and sweet. She has a boyfriend, though, and they moved from Indiana together, but he wants her to have friends to hang out with. She smiled and waved bye to me last night when her boyfriend drove her away. Anyway, today was different.

I came into work and saw her on a register, and she saw me but that was it. Outside while I starting doing carts, Thor (a CSM) confronted me and said that Elisabeth feels a little nervous around me and I should give her some space. He said she told him that and so he came and let me know. Now, this wasn't expected, of course, she had given no indication of feeling nervous, quite the opposite in fact. He said maybe I should leave her alone today and not really go talk to her. I complied, confused though I was.

Inside, I had to help Cree with something, and while doing so, I explained to her that whenever I meet a girl who is fine with my company, she always seems all happy to see me and such, but once we get to know each other better, she suddenly loses interest and basically gives me the cold shoulder. I've noticed this with several people. She asked how I treat them. I said I act just like I do to her, and she said I must act differently to them for them to be this way. I asked if she had heard anything about me from other people. She said, "Just that you're weird." Oh, like that really helps. She said that she thinks I'm weird too. I asked if it was in a good way or bad way, and she said that I'm just a weird guy. I rephrased asking if it was a good thing I'm weird, and she said it depends on how far I take it. Well, I don't try to be weird, and I don't see how I'm different significatly from other people. Well, she said that the girls probably stop being close because I'm weird. Well thanks, Cree, lol.

So then I decided to talk to Brad, who always has some kind of answer, whether a true one or not, at least it's interesting to hear what he comes up with. He's another stockman and I asked him if he had heard anything about me. He was doing the carts and he said he is usually outside and doesn't hear much, which I should have already known, being a stockman myself. So I told him about my and Cree's conversation (though I didn't mention her name, and I don't think he knows her anyway, he's kind of new). He said that typically if a guy doesn't match up to every aspect of a guy in "Cosmopolitan" or "Seventeen" magazine, he's labeled as weird. Wal-Mart is known to have insane gossip levels, too. Anyway, he agreed that I am a little weird, but in a cool way. I asked how so. He said I'm kind of mechanical. It's the way I say things, not what I say. I have a certain tone to my voice, and I might use some words that some people aren't familiar with in everyday speech.

Well, later on, I was coming from the break room and Elisabeth was heading right for me. I was planning on just smiling and walking by, but she came to me with this sweet and caring voice that said, "Jason, I'm not mad at you. Everyone's saying you think I hate you." She said practically the whole store is talking about it. Well, this was a surprise to me. I told her what Thor said to me, and she said she doesn't feel nervous around me, and she doesn't want me to stop talking to her, or eat lunch with her. Just everyone was asking if we were going out since they've seen us walking together on several occasions, and Thor asked if she felt uncomfortable about it, and she said a little, so he came and talked to me. I asked what she wants me to do differently than I have been. She said not much, she just likes a little space sometimes, but she did agree totally that she comes and talks to me as much as I come talk to her. She just felt bad at what became of this. So, that made me feel better, but the weird part, I guess it's nothing new, Kelli calls me weird, and so does Carly (when she's talking to me more than just one-word answers). But if how I am is considered weird, then I'm proud to be weird!

previous entry : No title, just read it next entry: Boring irritating day
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dude, you ARE weird! lol One day I will figure out what it is that is so wierd about you and I'll let you know.

Looks like some loser has been giving you dumb notes again... and not signing them cause they're a chicken. hmmm, I would delete that one for you, but I don't feel like signing out of mine and into yours right now.

anywho, ttyl


*Blinks, a bit confused* Just how are you weird, m'dear?...*Shaking her head, she blinks some more and wanders off*

Luv, Heidi

You're not weird,you're just you.Sometimes People aren't comfortable with something that they arent used to.If that makes any sence.Sometimes when people start finding more out about ecahother they freak because the other person is a little different then they expected at first notice.If that makes any sence either.I think everyone thinks I'm weird...although I probably am.

Keep Rawkin'

Carl [JesusFreesus04]

okay it so cut off my name...lol..anyway i still dont think ur weird!

keep rawkin'



ooooo, you deleted the dumb note on your own! good job! lol

anywho I still do want to talk to you about something, but I never see you online. Well I saw you online today but you were away.

Hey, I finally sent you the rest of the pictures today. Well not 'the rest' cause I only sent 3 more, but I don't have wallet size of all of them, only the best 4.




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