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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Today I basically existed next entry: Busy... crazy busy

Ugh! 9/28/2002
Well, the day didn't start out as "ugh". I was at work and Cree came in and I said hi and she replied but with very little spirit. I went to Toys where she works and she was doing something with price signs and I asked how things were. She shrugged her shoulders and said something about how it's not very good. I asked if I could do anything to help out, and she said she doesn't like men right now. I said that I'm not a man, I'm a boy. She laughed and said, "Oh, so that changes everything, doesn't it?" Later that day I got a few chances to get some laughs and smiles out of her.

Now to the icky stuff. Brad came in and since the carts were looking bad from me being on lunch (I guess Andy didn't do them very much) we were both outside getting carts and when we came in, we had it really full inside and a bunch of customers suddenly were done shopping and brought them over. Then here comes big, bad Katrina (assistant manager) with a customer and a 27" TV. Brad went over to help and she said they were paging for a stockman for 10 minutes and no one came. Well, with the carts full and it being time, I headed for my break. I met up with Katrina on the way. She asked me what was going on. Assuming she was asking if I was doing anything at the time or just walking around, I said, "Well, the carts are overflowing and I'm just coming in from doing them." She said they paged about 4 times for a stockman and the customer was about to leave without his expensive flat screen TV, because we were "up there reading magazines". I said we weren't reading magazines. She asked what we were doing, then. I told her what we actually were doing and she just said ok. Later I overheard her asking Store Manager John if he had heard the stockman calls for the TV and was obviously going to tell him about it too. Grrrrr, I can't stand her sometimes! Next time I'm going to say to her, "If you want me to stand around inside and listen for carry-outs, then I'll do it. Otherwise, my job does require me to gather carts off the parking lot which requires me to use the majority of my time out there."

And at home we rented "The Emporer's New Groove" which I don't need to tell you how cool it is since you've all seen it, and if you haven't, then go to the person nearest to you and ask them to slap you. Anyway, my idiot sister, Andrea, was on the computer again when I got home around 7. She was on it until we started the movie at about 9:30. Then she went and put the sheets on our youngest brother's bed and I was supposed to do one of the other kids'. Well, we did that and she was still on it. I watched the movie waiting for her to get off, and she was still on it when it was done. She was reading stupid fanfics and I told her how she had plenty of time on it, plus the whole time I was at work no one stopped her. And she can be on it when I'm at work tomorrow too, but it's later where Kelli lives and I like to get on before she gets off. She was on chapter 7 and went through each one to chapter 15 or something and saved them on her disk so she could go upstairs and read them on hers! I hate how she is on EVERY TIME I come home from work and stays on way into the night, and my mom always sides with her because I'm on it a lot on my days off. I deserve it! Plus she has all day EVERY DAY to be on it since she doesn't have a job or school to go to. Plus not even a permit and she's 18. I don't see why she can't be on it when I'm at work and leave the nights to me. And they also use the fact that I dominated the computer. Well boo-hoo, I can't change that hardly anyone wants to use it or that I know more about it than anyone else. But oh, when there's a problem with it, I better fix it really quick so they can use it. I need my own computer, but my mom won't let me until I get my own car (as in paying for it). It's the "rules of the house" and "when I don't follow them anymore, I have to leave." Well, that's it, I've complained enough. *takes deep breath* Hope you had a better day than I.

previous entry : Today I basically existed next entry: Busy... crazy busy
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I hate to side with Andrea considering I cna't talk to you if she is on...but you sound the same way Curtis was about me being on the computer. Parents and their rules huh... man kids in Joey's class have their own laptop computers! Dang stupid lucky brats. ~walks off mumbling about a plan to hire Black Mage and Theif to get herself a nice laptop~


Right then... Younger siblings are a pain, aren't they.... Hey wait. What's this, huh? You don't have your license at 19, and she doesn't even have a permit at 18? Why not? Dude, I got my permit at ... Hang on. A little after 15-1/2 cause it expires next September 14th. Now, I've heard several opinions.. Do I need my permit 6 months, 50 hours, or what to get my license? Whatever. Take care. [Lost Puppi]



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