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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Ugh! next entry: Well so far...

Busy... crazy busy 9/29/2002
I got into work and noticed the carts weren't looking too good. Blake and Josh were there. I told Blake to please tell me that Josh had opened and was going home now, but he said that that wasn't the case, and Josh would be there for another 2 hours. He also told me that they had slacked off a little on the carts. Great, thanks guys. So Blake was leaving and I immediately got called on the walkie-talkie by Katrina to go help Josh get some tub thing off a high shelf with a ladder, and that the customer had been waiting for like 15 minutes. The ladder was too short and Katrina said they already tried that ladder and we were supposed to have gotten a taller one already. We went and got a taller one and got asked on the walkie-talkie if we got it yet. Josh took it away from me and said we had, in an annoyed voice. It was heavy, but I carried it to the front and got it down for the guy. The carts really needed to be done. I filled up inside and took my break and Josh went home. Katrina was there where I was taking a break and said she's sorry for getting on me, and she knows I just came in and came into the middle of it. It's just she's a manager but had to be on a register, and other registers' lights were blinking, meaning they needed someone with authority to punch in some code, and the CSM was on another register because they were short-handed today. And while this was going on, she sees Josh on too short of a ladder and before that, Blake had tried the same one, so she was stressed to say the least.

Anyway, after break I discovered the garden center's carts were very low so I filled them up a decent amount and basically got the parking lot looking a lot clearer. 2 hours later I stopped to take my lunch. Subway, yum! When I came back the carts were still almost how I had left them, so I got a cart of returns and went to find their respective places. I got called to Electronics for a carry-out. On the way, a guy and his girlfriend asked if I could get a desk out from under some other boxes for them. The girl in Electronics said to help with the desk first, so I did. I had too look for a flat cart, too. We went to the registers and they had lines of about 3 people. I couldn't wait that long to do the Electronics carry-out, so I went to the Service Desk and asked if they could check out the customers I was helping so I could get it done faster, and they agreed, so the customers got a good deal, too. While they were being checked out, another customer came and asked if I could help him get an entertainment center out to his car. I told him after I helped these people and the ones waiting after them. Then I got a call on my walkie-talkie to help some customers in Furniture. Jeez, just give me a break already! I got the desk out to their car and rushed back to Electronics. The customers were waiting to ask the manager something, so I did the Furniture carry-out. Mark from Garden Center did the Electronics one. Well, the carts were getting low after all that time, and I needed my last break, so I quickly got the nearest carts outside and filled up inside and took my break. I talked to Elisabeth a bit, us both in good moods. :) I gave her half my candy bar (Snickers Cruncher). Asst. Manager Fred called me on the walkie-talkie and asked where I was. I said on break. When I was done, I asked what he wanted, and he said that the parking lot... and stopped. I said I know it's full of carts, and I explained the situation of the many carry-outs and he said he knew about it, he's just reminding me. Well, I got it all cleaned up and helped straighten some shelves and was off for home.

(now some side things)

When I saw Cree today, I said hi, and she said hi back in a really dull voice. I imitated her and she laughed a little and said she was in a bad mood. Lol. Also, I saw Carly and I asked how she was. She said fine, but in a dull voice. I said something else and she didn't answer, just looked at me. I asked if she was sure she was alright, and she said in an annoyed voice, "I said I'm fine." Jeez, I don't know what's up. Did I do something? Was it something I said? Am I just annoying to be around for her? Well, she won't tell me what it is, so I can't be sure. She either ignores me and makes me feel stupid for repeating it, or just answers in dull, one-word answers. I hope it's nothing about me, and I hope she feels better soon. Well, goodnight all. ;)

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Well it sounds like you had a very interesting, and tireding day at work. I would not have come home and wrote in this thing. I would have been to tired. Well TTYL. [!~!CkerateLife~!~]

is it a k mart or a target or a wal mart that you work at?



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