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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Well so far... next entry: Contrary to my horoscope...

Woo-hoo! It rained! 10/3/2002
Yes, it rained today, but I'll tell you what's so good about it at the end.

Let's see... I've watched through episode 40 of my subtitled Dragon Ball tapes but there's still a little more until I get past the last one in English that they showed on TV.

We're getting a new TV for the front room. Our entertainment center can only hold as large as a 27" and the one we were looking at that was $197 was about a half an inch too wide. :( The other 27" ones were at least $50 more. I'm going to pay for half of it with Amy paying the other, and we will be paid back for it from our parents when they can afford it (they usually only have about $10 left over each month). Our old TV was a joke. We got it for free from my aunt and uncle and the picture wasn't as good as the TV in the den, but the sound had more bass. After a while, the left speaker started going out. It would work half the time, but the problem was that when it went out, the other one did too. We would have to hit the speaker when we suddenly didn't hear any noise from it, and as time passed, harder hits were required, lol. Then it just went out, but the right one worked. After a while, the same exact thing happened with the right speaker. When that eventually went out, I took my old computer speakers and hooked them up to it, and they sounded the same as the TV once did. Well, not too long later, the screen started going out. You would turn it on and it would be black. None of the buttons would work on the face, and only letting it sit or hitting it would "wake it up". After it did wake up however, the buttons worked. As time drew on, more often it would turn black and the longer it would stay that way, and no amount of hitting made any difference. And now, the power button doesn't do anything even when plugged in, so it's dead. stupid TV. None of you better be laughing at me, especially you, Kelli) *gives stern look* It's not my fault we had a stupid, retarded, freakin' annoying TV!

I saw this girl with a shirt that said "Have a bad day." I read it aloud so she could hear and then asked what kind of a thing is that to wish someone, all in fun of course. She turned around and lifted up her hair to reveal the words "Good night" on the back. It reminded me of my friend's old AIM icon that had a straight face and said "Have a day." Well, I wished the girl a bad day and she smiled and said the same to me. Later I saw this funny bumper sticker that said "Don't honk, driver is trying to sleep." That's awesome.

And now to the rain. I like pushing carts in the rain sometimes, but the only drawbacks are that the carts get wet and some picky customers complain and the people greeters have a row of dry carts that they don't want me pushing wet ones into, and they also have to dry off wet carts. And I'm afraid they will be too slippery and my hands will slip when turning them or something, and the pavement is slippery, too, so it's harder to push. It hadn't rained since I was pretty new to Wal-Mart and I knew there was something I liked about raining, but I couldn't remember. I knew the carts slid so they could turn easier, but was that it? Then, when it was getting almost time to leave and the parking lot was much less crowded, I rediscovered the beauty of it having rained when you are a closing stockman. A cart was by itself in some far corner of the lot and when I got it, I started running with it and when I got a good speed, I stopped but my feet slid very nicely on the wet pavement and offered hardly any friction, meaning I didn't slow down and just kept sliding with the cart to keep my balance. I steered it into the back of the row of carts I had gathered. Some kids saw me do that (they looked around 14 but one of them was the driver) and when I did it a second time, they honked as I went by. Then they said I have to do it 3 times and start way back, so of course I did. It was great, and it gave them something to talk about to their family and friends, lol. I hope it rains next time!

previous entry : Well so far... next entry: Contrary to my horoscope...
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sounds like you had a good day [Shortypie84]

----Noting Spree-----

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~*Mel*~ [Moved#2]

i love rain so much!it's so fun to just go and be in it,if it's on purpose anyway.If you get caught in the rain to or from somwhere it might not be too fun,but anyway I love the rain and i guess it's a lot a spirtual thing,but anyway if ur stressed and need to be free,stand in the rain and let it wash it all away.

keep rawkin

carly [JesusFreesus04]

rain fallin' down outta the sky and I'm wonderin' why, you had to say goodbye and leave me baby,all alone in my life....

Dude... it would be a lot healthier for you if they were smoking on break and not talking to you. Noy being anywhere near you in fact. You shouldn't hang around them when they smoke, secondhand smoke can give YOU lung cancer. I wont even hang out with my best friends when they smoke, or let them get close enough to me that I can smell it.




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