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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : I haven't been to Putters in a while next entry: Cuts and yells

Long sigh 10/8/2002
Today was one of those days. You have nothing to do and nothing sounds fun. I watched some Dragon Ball but my mom and the kids were home most of the day and I'm not supposed to watch it with them around. No one was online really, and there was nothing to eat, and when I played FF there was nothing to do. I felt a little tired and it was dull and gray outside. And then my mom says to do chores, which always worsens an already-depressing mood. Plus we had a dinner I REALLY don't care for, and earlier today I had a little mishap with my mom and though I didn't mean anything mean or wrong, my mom and dad already had their minds made up and my explanations were in vain. Heidi got on, someone who always can put me in a good mood, but she didn't answer anything I said and then she logged off. Then Kelli got on, and I found out she was feeling like me, but even more so. Try though I might, I couldn't get even one LOL out of her. It just ended up making me feel worse. I mean, we're good friends, I've known her for a little more than a year, and I would think I would be able to know what to say to her. How do other people cheer others up so easily? I mean, I could sure cheer Heidi up quick, that would be a breeze! But that's because I would just flirt and she would feel better. That doesn't work on everyone, and just makes it worse to some. I hope she feels better soon. It brings me down when she's not feeling good and I can't do anything to be a friend and help. I hope the kids go to bed soon so I can watch more Dragon Ball. Sleep well Kel, and y'all.
previous entry : I haven't been to Putters in a while next entry: Cuts and yells
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hey...sorry I made ya more depressed. I'm such a lousy friend, all that time we talked and I didn't know you had been feeling bad before talking to me. I mean...I could tell you seemed down, but I didn't even ask why or ask if you were ok or anything. ~sigh~ I need to work on my people skills...




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