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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : What did I say? next entry: Nothing special

Blocking parking spots with carts 10/25/2002
Yep, I scattered a buncha carts today and they got in the way of incoming customers, but more on that later.

Today it was a little busier than yesterday and Jesse was there and said that it can get a little tiring, more than he realized. I laughed and told him it was because he'd only had slow days so far. Today was an average day for carts.

While outside, though, I got a big wiff of pizza! There is a Little Caesar's Pizza across the parking lot from Wal-Mart and once in a while the scent travels through the air. I made up my mind right then that I was having pizza for lunch. I saw Elisabeth and thought about asking her to join me for lunch, but I guess she only came in for her 90-day evaluation, and wasn't working. It was really cold outside, too. Lotsa people with sweatshirts on were complaining how cold it was, and thinking I was crazy for having nothing but a t-shirt (my best DBZ one) on. I agreed it was cold, but not unbearable.

When lunch time came around (7:30) I ran over to Little Ceasar's, then found I only had $3 on me, so I ran over to Wal-Mart to the ATM, and then ran back. I ordered a medium pepperoni pizza, but the girl looked at the pizzas on the rack and found there was only a large pepperoni, so instead of making me wait for one to be made, she asked if I wanted a large for the price of a medium. But of course! (although I wouldn't be able to eat it all). Well, I ate it outside at the place where the smokers take breaks (there wasn't anyone there and it was dark) since that person who's not talking to me was at work and I knew she took her breaks in the break room, and I just wanted to save her the annoyance of being in the same room as me. Plus I wouldn't have to see her ignoring me, in case she was in there. Well, I ate about half the pizza, and then I was full and my lunch was over, so I brought it to the break room and found Blake and Steven in there. Blake had opened, and had nothing to do so he was hanging around Wal-Mart, lol. He does that often. I said they could have the rest of my pizza, and although they said they just ate, they left one slice for my last break at my request.

Well, some people were here asking if I was Jason, and said they are going to clean the sidewalks (between some of the rows of parking spots) and to block each of those spots with a cart. And also, when a car already parked in one of those leaves, to block that one off. It was fun putting carts IN the way for once. It was also funny to hear some customers come in all upset complaining that all the spots were blocked off. First of all, if all of them are blocked, then where is their car? And secondly, only the ones around 2 of the sidewalks had carts.

Well, after all that, the associates working until 11:30 (like me) had our nightly "zoning party" where we all go to an especially messy department and make it look all nice. Coincidentally, my co-worker who's very less than happy with me was there, too, so we had a few run-ins, but she would just walk past not saying anything. I've decided to not say anything to her until she wants to talk, and I'll try to go around her as little as possible to keep the awkwardness at a minimum. I'm still wondering what all I've said to offend her in the past, and if that's all she's mad about. I must have made her feel pretty bad, and it just kills me. I mean, I saw her in the break room when I passed by, and it could've just been my imagination, but she looked pretty depressed. I really hope that it's not from what I've done to her. All I can do now is respect her desire to not be around me.

We rented "Backdraft" and it was my first time seeing it. It's a really cool movie, but the few....inappropriate parts my parents fast-fowarded (which is the downfall of seeing a movie like that with them) but the story was really good. So, that's my day. Yep.

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what dept. did you clean up in your "zoning party"? and that movie Back Draft is great.



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