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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Cool and bleh stuff next entry: I knew I was good at something

Today was... uh... different 11/1/2002
I came into work to find the carts a mess outside and scarce inside... what a surprise. It was freezing outside too, maybe that's why everyone said I should be wearing a jacket. *shrug* Why? I had a t-shirt on and pants. My legs were perfectly warm, so was the part covered by my shirt. My arms were a little cold, but no goosebumps in sight. The only parts that actually felt uncomfortable were my hands and ears, and maybe nose. I didn't have anything to cover those, so why wear a jacket? Well Blake had opened by himself and apparently it had been very busy and he couldn't keep it full inside. He told me he hadn't done the garden area so he doesn't know how it looks. I'll tell you how it looked. It looked as bad as it ever has. Okay, so I started on the left side in the associate parking and made my way to the right side of the parking lot in the garden parking, getting every cart on the way and pushing them inside, and ignoring the carts that people left in areas I already cleaned up. There were way more than enough carts to fill up inside, but I never ran out of room since the customers were taking them so fast. Once I got to the garden area and filled up the carts on that side (that side is a lot less busy) the carts inside the front doors were about half full. It was also time for my break, meaning it had been 2 hours since I started. After my break, I got called for a carry-out, and while I was bringing the flat cart back, I got called for another one, and while I was bringing the flat cart back from that one, I got called for a third carry-out. They each took a while, too, since there was a combination of waiting for the customer to do whatever, and of getting things out of the back room and trailers. I barely had time to make the carts inside look halfway decent when I got called somewhere else. No kidding, about 2/3 of my shift was spent assisting customers. And with the carts going as quickly as they were, it didn't help that I had hardly any time to deal with them. As a result, I had my work really cut out for me once the business died down in the late night. That sucked big time.

And then when I was driving back home and getting my hands thawed, my dad noticed this big fire. We turned around and saw it was some shed that belonged to the nearby church that was ablaze. My dad called 911 and before long a fire engine came and they put it out. When it was still burning though, I stood about 20 feet from it and it felt like I was standing in front of our gas stove that blows out hot air. Well that was my day. Now for some sleep :D

previous entry : Cool and bleh stuff next entry: I knew I was good at something
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