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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Missing her next entry: Short, odd baby dream

DBZ and DDR 11/6/2002
I'm to episode 70 of DBZ right now, which is where Goku is using the Kaio Fighting Style (Kaio Ken) and powering up to the maximum to show Commander Ginyu. So far, the subbed version is a lot better, and the characters are actually intelligent. Vegeta (or Bejeeta as the subtitles call him) is more in his character, and you hear him saying things about his battle strategy rather than just talk to go with his moving mouth because it would look weird if his mouth moved and he didn't say anything, but Bandai didn't have anything good for him to say. Here's a thought, maybe they should have them say the same things as they did in Japanese. There have been 2 cases of flipping someone off so far, plus once in Dragon Ball. I'm not this far, but I know that Gotenks does it to Buu, because I saw it in a music video. Man, they cut a lot of stuff out of DBZ, and the episodes end at different places than the Japanese ones end, since it's not the same length. Though, one good part is with the company that made the subtitles on my tapes, they leave out all bad words save "Hell". I hear them say the Japanese word for "damn" a lot, but they don't include it in the subtitles. I think it's "Chikuso" or something like that. I'll have to ask Amy.

Today Andrea and I went to Putters to play DDR. She hasn't played very much at all, maybe at most 5 times. She can do 4-foot songs and a few easy 5-foot ones (9 being the hardest). It wasn't as fun with her since I had to do easy ones with her, and I could only do harder ones by myself. When I'm with Nick, we both play the same songs and we are both always working on beating the same song, and are pretty much equal, except he can beat certain songs more often than I can, but I play game after game and he takes rests inbetween. For every 5 I play, he plays about 3-4. But it was still fun with Andrea, and it was nice to play some of my favorites when I wasn't very good at it. When I'm with Nick he considers it a waste of money to play easy ones that won't help us get any better. But I'm perfectly fine with that since I don't want him passing me, lol.

Darn, I have work tomorrow from 3-11:30. Well at least I get paid tomorrow!

previous entry : Missing her next entry: Short, odd baby dream
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hey, how are you? this is a random note you enjoy! cinnamon angel

as you already know, I did NOT find it hilarious, or even slightly funny. I was very very very angry. I cannot stand it when people mess with my stuff like that for no reason. To me, people who think stupid things jerks do are funny are no better than the jerk who did it in the first place. I can't believe you, talking back to your mother, laughing at other peoples problems... very odd




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