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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Boring fun things next entry: *bangs head on desk... many times*

Another day off 11/13/2002
It's funny, I look forward to my days off, but on my days off it's boring and I look forward to when I can go to work and see someone besides my family, but then I want to have a day off, and it just goes in a circle. Today was my last day off, and although I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I wished I could've been at work today. I guess I want to have a day off to myself. Matt was sick from school, Catie didn't have any classes today, Andrea didn't work today I guess, and it wasn't long until Ben and my mom came home and the kids from school. I just want to be by myself, and do what I want, and do something fun, but not by myself, just not with family members. Okay, you can all stop crossing your eyes now, I'm done confusing you.

Today I got up around 11, I watched 2 episodes of DBZ. They changed the subtitles again. Okay, all through DB it was one type of subtitles. They were yellow, a little large, stayed long enough to comfortably read it all, and they left out all profanity. DBZ, on the other hand, isn't so. The first 10 episodes had white subtitles, it had Japanese subtitles above the English ones (kanji), sometimes they stayed up too long, and other times you only could read about 4 words before the 2 lines of text disappear and you have to rewind it and pause it to read it, plus they include all the swearing (which I'm not complaining about since I want to watch it in the truest form available while still being able to understand it) but I get the feeling they add in a lot of cussing that the Japanese didn't really say, unless DBZ is more foul-mouthed than I realized. I'll call those the kanji subs. Then it was the same as the DB subs for many episodes after that, then one episode of the kanji subs, then the DB ones for a few episodes, and now it changed to be a smaller font, but still yellow, with the cussing included, and they don't seem to overuse the swear words, either, but you have to read them fast sometimes. I'm to where Goku went super saiya-jin and is now fighting Freezer.

On my game of Legaia 2: Duel Saga, I'm learning some really cool moves and it's getting interesting. It's hard to stop playing, lol. I read another chapter of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I'm to the part of Elrond's Council where Frodo meets with the members of the party he will be going to Mordor with.

I talked to Kelli a little, and she said she was hyper, but on my end it just seemed like a cheery mood, and that always makes me feel good. Lol, I had an away message on and she left me 21 messages! I read them and they made me laugh. Guess what was on TV? A "Charles in Charge" marathon. The first time I saw that was at Kelli's house, when she would be in school and her younger brother would watch it before he went, and since I slept on the couch in that room, I watched it, too. That's a great show. It makes you laugh almost every minute. I introduced it to Amy and she likes it a lot now, too. He reminds me of Daniel Laruso from "Karate Kid", also a great movie. Well, it's about 4am right now, since I couldn't stop playing my game, so I better get to bed. Work tomorrow! Laters!

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