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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Another day off next entry: News while TOD was down

*bangs head on desk... many times* 11/14/2002
Today there was a wedding at Wal-Mart. Wait, maybe you didn't hear what I said. There was a wedding at Wal-Mart. It was held in front of McDonald's. Two associates met here and worked together, then left, and now got married here. I took a 15-minute break before it started and when I came back they were already cutting the cake, meaning it was over. Wal-Mart of all places! Of all the dumbest... Okay, if I were having a wedding, I'd want it like on the beach or something. Not a huge event where people whom I only met once are there, but just the people who actually will care about our marriage for more than that day. When I saw Cree and she was near the wedding I looked at her and slapped my forehead, and she said, "Yeah, I know."

Well, Josh opened today, and left at 1, and I came in at 3, plus it was busy, so you put the math together. And I filled up the carts inside and went on lunch to come back and find it empty again. Half the associates watching the wedding and eating cake were doing so on the clock, and they were allowed to, also. It so happens that my lunch time was scheduled at that same time. That's not fair that they get to do it on the clock when I would be off the clock. Well, I went to Subway, and then walked right past the wedding and into the break room and ate. Then I clocked back in and went to get some cake, lol. Nick was there and going to get "The Fellowship of the Ring" for PS2. His mom was at Home Depot so while he waited for her he followed me around while I got carts.

One more thing: I talked to Carly today. I asked her if I could have my story back that she had borrowed a long time ago. It wasn't because we haven't been on good terms so I don't want her to have it, it's because some of my other friends want to read it and she's had it way long enough. I was expecting either her to ignore me, refuse to return it, or agree but give me trouble. All she said was that she would bring it to work. Kelli told me that I'm only hurting myself if I just worry about her and me and not do anything about it. Well I had written her an email saying I'll leave her alone until she tells me differently, and I intend to stick to my word, so I won't be confronting her. I think it was because she knew I kinda liked her but she didn't feel the same for me, and it might have affected her judgment of things I said to her. Today she waved to Blake and he didn't do anything back. When she asked him about it, he said he doesn't have his glasses on so he couldn't see her, that she just looked like a penguin. She laughed at that. Now wait a minute, that's making fun of her weight, and she laughed at it? But I've never said anything like that before and I'm a jerk? Well, we'll see what happens when she returns my story. Will she just hand it to me? Will she tell her opinion of it? Well, it's late so I better get going. For those of you who care, I'm not nearly as bummed about Carly not talking to me as I used to be. It almost doesn't matter or seem a big deal at all. Guess I'm getting used to it, lol. Well, the more she does this, the less I want a friend like that, so we'll see what happens.

previous entry : Another day off next entry: News while TOD was down
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A wedding at wal mart?? WTF!??!?!?!?!?! Who in God's name would hold a wedding at wal mart..that's some disturbing stuff. They must have been hard up for a place
[whispered dreams]

A kiss blown is a kiss wasted. The only kiss is a kiss tasted. Kisses have germs & germs are hated, so kiss me baby, im vaccinated!" This is a chainletter thru diaries. U must send this 2 15 ppl within the hour. If u do, u will get kissed by ur crush in the next 24 hours! If not, u will have bad luck w/ kissing forever! Just copy and paste this into diaries. Good luck ~~~cutecass~~~ [Cutecass]

hey i'm cassie i'm a female and on aol come email and talk to me some time at Cutecass615@aol.com < thats my email address cutecass615< screen name or try me at cutcss@netscape.com< email address or try at cutcss< screen name [Cutecass]

people really got married at walmart? That seems really anti-romantic to me. I'd want to get married in a big park with lots of trees, and flowers! Besides... it would be hard to focus on the wedding with cusomers running lal around you. Weird! [Lost Marble]



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