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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Hey, it snowed already next entry: My Thanksgiving

Today was... different 11/26/2002
Josh opened today, along with Shane, the new guy. The people greeter told me that Josh didn't do hardly anything and Shane was doing things inside all day. When I came in, Josh was leaving. I managed to make some progress before my break time. Okay, since I came in at 3, I have a 15 minute break at 5, have an hour lunch at 7, and have my last 15 minute break at 9:30. Well, since Shane was leaving at 7, they don't want me to take my lunch then when I can take it a little earlier when Shane is still there, so they had me take my lunch at 5 and my 2 breaks after that. Well, it was cold and I wore a jacket because of my sore throat, but I managed to get the parking lot looking nice at an early time. I came inside and told Support Manager Brian (he has a mullet) of how nice the parking lot looked, and asked what he wanted me to do. He said, "Carts. Tim is walking he floor tomorrow so just focus on carts." Okay, Tim Jackson is the district manager, so everyone gets edgy when he's coming. Okay, so just carts. Good, now I don't have to worry about doing anything else when I'm done with carts, hehe. So I quickly got all the carts up and then I stood at the door with Florence, the greeter, and told her about it and said I guess I'll be the other greeter and wait for someone to take a cart outside, and then I'll unload their stuff into their car and take the cart back in. I was doing that for a while when Assistant Manager (over support manager) Fred came and asked if I need something to do, and I told him what Brian said and what I was doing, and surprisingly, he said that sounds like a good idea. I guess Tim coming messes with everyone's minds, into letting me stand around as long as it looks nice tomorrow. But he did tell me to straighten up stuff around the registers while I watched for carts going out. Later, Brian came and said for me to join everyone else in straigtening up messy departments. It was mostly Mike, Cree, and Mark. It was funny because Mark and Mike kept saying stuff like, "Where are we going now? The mullet department?" and Cree would get on Mark when we had to clean up a department that Mark is responsible for, and the same with the other departments that Mike or Cree were supposed to do. Finally we were allowed to go. It was a fun day I guess, fun because it was different.
previous entry : Hey, it snowed already next entry: My Thanksgiving
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