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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Christmas lights... one more time next entry: Other stuff

Horrible 12/6/2002
Oh boy, do I have an entry for you. But first, the day was okay. I had found this website called www.somethingawful.com and it had a list of games that this guy played and wrote reviews for that made the stupidest and cheesiest games list. Bad game reviews are so funny to read since the reviewers get so worked up over things and overexaggerate at how lame something is in a game, usually old Nintendo games. But this one game, this one, I don't know what the creators were thinking. It's way messed up. It's a fighting game (you pick a player and fight against the other player like in Street Fighter) but it had like a guy in a thong for one of the fighters, and the other guys were just... weird. One of the backgrounds was a flower field with these muscly guys in thongs with pixey wings, another is this temple thing with pairs of women holding hands and spinning around in the background and hugely blown-up muscly guys in thongs doing squats in front of them. I didn't know any of this when I played it, but man my face and sides hurt from laughing. It was just so messed up it was funny. Anyway, I've been playing this Power Rangers game that actually is pretty cool since the guys do cool moves and it's fun. But I found this Gundam Wing game that is pretty similar, though it's gundams instead and you can be all the gundams, including Wing Zero, and Epyon. Darn Zechs beat me in his Tall Geese, and later in the Epyon. Duo was pretty hard, too. Darn his combo attacks. And that wasn't even on hard mode. I can at least beat the Power Rangers game in hard mode.

Now for the dumb part. Amy came home from school and I immediately wanted to show her the hilarious review that the guy did on that insane game since I knew she would find it just as funny as I did. My youngest brother, Ben, came in to see it, too, but the text included swearing and I didn't want him reading it so I told him that I only want to show Amy it and for him not to be in there. After the review, I showed her the game and when it got to the part with the guys doing squats, we were cracking up so much (they looked like monkeys) and Ben came in and saw that but we turned it off anyway and I showed her the Gundam Wing one, and she enjoyed watching Duo beat me, ugh! But he only beat me in the first round and I got him in the next 2, since I had the Wing Zero. Amy said to delete the dumb other game and I did. Then I went upstairs and took a nap because I was beat from staying up so late last night. I actually fell asleep, and I hardly ever can do that during the day. Well, I woke up and my mom came in and said to come downstairs. After a few seconds she added "now". I stayed there and she asked if I was dressed to come down and I said I wasn't, so she left so I could get my pants on. I came down and she asked me about what game Ben was talking about that he had to stay out of the room when I played it and when he came in he saw some guys with barely anything on. I told her I wanted him out because the review had bad words and I didn't know what the game had in it until I played it, and I deleted it afterwards. She had me download the game again so she could see what it was about. After seeing it she said we shouldn't even have a game like that and I told her I didn't know it until I played. But then came the worse part. My mom brought up a file with 12 dirty pictures in it and asked me what it was. Oh boy, how did she find that? I even forgot about it. I thought it got deleted when we reformatted the computer. I had it hidden (meaning it's invisible unless you know how to make it show up) and when I was backing up stuff before reformatting, I guess it got copied over, too. I totally forgot that was even still there since it was hidden. But I had to set the computer to show hidden files because there was a system file that I needed to find that was hidden, also, and I hadn't set it back. Well, my youngest sister saw the pictures because they were now visible and she told my mom about them. My mom, of course, didn't believe me that I forgot about them, and thought that I had been lying to them about not looking at that stuff anymore. Well, I admit that when I was younger I looked at that stuff, and I had a hidden folder, too, but I thought I deleted it. Besides, I already got in trouble for that when they found it. But my mom won't listen to any of that. In her mind I'm probably looking at it all the time. Well, of course, she was on the phone with my dad and her initial thought was that I wasn't going to be allowed on the computer for a long time and that they should go and delete everything of mine from the computer and not allow me to have any folders of my own, since I know how to hide stuff and I could still have stuff on there that they don't know about. Now wait just one minute, parents or not, I won't allow them to do that. I also heard from my youngest sister that my mom said I wasn't going to be able to go see the Harry Potter movie with Carly on Tuesday. The dumb part is, I'm afaid they'll kick me out if I disobey them and I don't have anywhere to go, or the money to pay for a place, or a car either, otherwise I would go with Carly anyway. But my mom hasn't told me personally that I can't go, so I hope she forgets to. Plus she will be gone for about an hour with the 2 youngest at a home school thing, so I'd be able to leave during then and come back whenever I wanted after that, since I already told her I would be going on Tuesday and she didn't tell me I can't. After some talking, my mom decided we weren't in trouble about the game, and that meant Amy wasn't in trouble at all. Since Catie had told my mom about the pictures with Matt and Ben present, they knew about them and my mom had me go to them and tell them that I was wrong in having them and that I shouldn't have been looking at them, etc. She said that was for starters, though, and she didn't know yet what else my punishment would consist of. I asked her about the deleting of my stuff and she said it wouldn't be stuff like my stories, but the kids had to know that I got in trouble for it, otherwise they wouldn't be afraid to do it, too. Later she said it might just be a thorough search of all my stuff. I'm fine with that, I've got nothing to hide. I haven't heard anything about it from my dad yet, and I hope my life doesn't get worse from this later on. But things aren't as bad as they seemed, since I'm on the computer right now and my mom doesn't care.

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hey dude, theres always somewhere to go if you get kicked out. There's always freinds to crash with. Anywho... that sucks if they try to delete your stuff. I'd hate it if someone wanted to go through all my stuff and get rid of any of it. Of course... I don't have anything they would want/need to get rid of anyway.

Oh well... I need a new name for my diary...




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