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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Other stuff next entry: A little more spice in my day

Back to work 12/7/2002
When I started work, the carts were almost full inside and there weren't very many on the parking lot, which was nice for a change. I discovered that Andy and Jesse had opened (Shane, too, but he does carts even less than Josh). Right when I clocked on, however, was when they clocked off, meaning I was all by my lonesome. The carts were full inside so I went and did some by Garden and when I came back they were down to about half. Oh jeez, this was going to be one of those days.

Well, for 2 hours I made absolutely no progress on the carts since whatever I brought in was used by the time I brought more in, and I wasted not a second. Someone had a cashier come help me halfway through (big guy) and we got it filled up pretty quickly and it was full when I want on my 15-minute break. Elisabeth was going on break, too, and said, "C'mon Jason, I have to tell you about this customer that made me really mad." Well, when I came back from break, there were maybe 20 carts (out of 90 that can fit in without looking too full). I saw Carly and said "hi" and saw that she looked pretty tired. I mentioned that she doesn't look too well and she said she's just really mad. I asked what happened. She said she's just mad at the world right now, mad at everything. I jokingly asked if she was mad at me, too, (though that wasn't really a good idea) and she said not to even start with her. Well, I had to do carts so I told her that I would help her straighten up the toys department (it was a real mess) if I could, but I had a lot of carts to do. She said she knows.

I followed the same routine for the next 2 hours of making no progress. Well, I take that back, when it was my lunch time I managed to have about 60 in there. Elisabeth wanted me to wait a few minutes since she was going to take her lunch then, and we both shared a large pepperoni pizza from Little Caesar's since there was a special that one of those costs $5 instead of the usual $9.99. She wanted me to help her pick out some sleeping pants for her b/f since he had some and she washed them and now they are basically shorts now (she said it's so cute because he wears them anyway) and she wants to get him some new ones for Christmas.

Later, I saw Carly by herself and came up to her but she didn't look at me. I finally said "hey" with no responce. Then I said, "I don't want to bug you but..." and she looked up at me, "...you know where I live and you have my phone number, so if you ever want to talk..." She said she doesn't want to talk, and said it pretty serious and straight-forward. I said "okay" and left, not wanting to push anything and worsen the situation. I just hope this isn't going to be a long-term thing and our plans on Tuesday will be cancelled by her.

Halfway through lunch there started being a buncha calls for someone to go get carts, and I told them I was on lunch and so they said they would get someone else to do it. When I finally got back, Robert and a guy whose name I can't remember, but he looks like an older version of Robert and he has a similar personality, were both doing carts, and Robert stayed longer to help me do them, too. We got it filled up pretty quickly. Robert's a cool, nice guy, and he's always caring and making jokes and trying to cheer people up. He's married, too, and has 2 young kids. That's how I want to be, though more than just 2 kids, but he's still a young parent. Maybe 27-32 I'm guessing. Anyway, the carts were pretty slow after that, so I didn't have any trouble with them, though I had to stay an hour over my scheduled time to leave in order to finish, but they were busy inside so that's about the same time they let everyone go anyway, and my parents were shopping and came to pick me up around that time also, so it worked out fine. I was pushing the last of the carts and happened to pass Carly going to her car. I took a chance and said "goodnight" to her, and she gave me the face she always gives me (I'm not too sure what it means. It looks like a tired/smile/"I've had one of those days" face) and said "goodnight" in a friendly voice. Well okay, I hope this means it's okay to talk to her again. I hope.

My parents were shopping while waiting for me to finish, and I found them in the electronics department with a DVD player and speakers in the cart. They were asking the guy about it, and we are probably going to get one along with speakers that have a subwoofer (really good bass) and speakers that go in front as well as behind you. That will be way cool.

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