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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Nothing much next entry: Oh man, the craziest day at work

Dumb 'til the end 12/13/2002
I first walked in and saw Andy and Cree talking, and when I said "hi", I felt like Cree didn't want to see me or something. She and I don't usually talk a lot, mostly because she doesn't come talk to me, and also, I get the feeling that she has a different opinion of me than what she lets on. I think she thinks I'm too... innocent or something. Not immature, since her friends act immature, but something else, like I'm a loser. Today she gave me more of that impression, even though she didn't say anything. Maybe I'm just making stuff up. But when I saw Carly, she didn't seem too happy. I reminded her of this funny trick her brother's dog does that she showed me, and she just smiled which I think was fake, and I walked away feeling stupid. The next time I saw her I made some stupid joke about how busy it was, and she obviously thought that was stupid, too, which it was, and after I walked away I realized how corny it sounded. I just wasn't having a good day.

Josh was there, and he helped me with the carts... somewhat. At one point I told him I was going to go do the garden side, and he said that it's fine, I can go right ahead, so I did. When I came back, the carts in the main entrance were almost gone. Yeah, nice one, Josh. Then I got to thinking: What if I got questioned about why the carts in front were so low. If it was a manager, I'd tell them that I told Josh I was going to work on Garden, leaving him to hold down the fort at the main entrance. Now, in my scenerio, the manager tells me that I shouldn't leave the front to Josh by himself. Then I tell them that management has told me before that Josh does a good job, so I felt confident leaving the task up to him. Then the manager tells me that what they mean is that Josh does a good job for his abilities. Now, that wouldn't be true, because I remember a time when a manager said he does a good job and didn't mean for just his abilities. I'd tell them that I've gotten in trouble for the carts looking unsatisfactory during my shift because they were a mess when I came in and there simply wasn't enough time for me to clean it all up. Josh had opened and they stated that he does a good job. They obviously meant he does a good job, giving reason that the carts must not have been that bad. If at that time they had meant that he did good for his ability, that wouldn't be any kind of attack against my claim; it would be supporting it. So they either meant he does a good job as far as stockmen, or they were making a statement completely irrelevant to the topic to throw in a defense for Josh's reputation.

Well, I had to take my lunch early since Josh was leaving at the same time as my lunch was supposed to be. The carts were about 1/3 full from when I want to Garden and I didn't have enough time to finish it, so I told Josh that I had to go on lunch, and he said it's fine, to leave it up to him, that he would handle it. The people greeter was a witness, too. Well, when I came back from lunch, there were no carts whatsoever in the main entrance. Pat (the greeter) said Josh brought in about half a row, and then stood around until his shift was over. They had paged out to have available associates get carts, so about 6 people were out there, and in no time at all it was full inside. I went and thanked them all, most of them being from the overnight stocking crew.

I saw Carly again and this time she seemed a little more cheerful, and I asked her if I got a slow time would she want me to come help her straighten up Toys. She declined the offer. Well okay, if she doesn't want help, then she doesn't want help. Or maybe she doesn't want help from me (maybe I think too much). It started raining, and the carts were going fast, mainly because the overnighters were taking lots of carts for their use in stocking. I had to take my break, even though the carts were about 2/3 full, and when I came back, they were almost out. Jeez. It took until the end of my shift to finish the parking lot, and at that time, Support Manager Jay had let everyone go, which usually happens around the same time I'm done outside.

One cool thing, though, is my mom decided to get the DVD player and speakers tonight, for $297. I had my 10% discount, plus all the associates got a slip for an additional 10% off on one item from the 7th to the 13th. We barely made it by midnight. I also got some awesome boxers that are black with sparkly, silver Chinese dragons on it. I stayed up late hooking up the speakers in the front room with Andrea, but I didn't get them all done yet. I had to go to bed since I was too tired.

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